Prepared Gun Owners

You Would Think Gun-Grabbing Liberals Would Stop After Grabbing All The Guns, Then This Happens…

Let’s imagine for a minute the worst possible scenario happening…

A toy gun

The gun-grabbers get their way, and every gun is confiscated, perhaps even the 2nd Amendment is modified or deleted.

You would think that would be enough, and the liberals would celebrate victory. You would be wrong.

They want your fake guns, and to stop you from even talking about guns.  If you think I’m joking, wait until you read this little bit from Bearing Arms:

DS Arms owner Dave Selvaggio said he’s been working on his booth since March and planned to include replica guns and special Comic Con promotions for gun safety and shooting classes.

Unfortunately, the story continues in a sort-of “1984” Orwellian way…

But when the show opened on Thursday, Las Vegas-based Wizard World tore down Selvaggio’s booth after allegedly receiving online complaints in response to a ‘real gun dealer’ at the show.

So, not only did Mr. Selvaggio’s booth get shut down while selling replica guns, it also got shut down for sharing valuable information about gun safety.

Looks like we should modify the 2nd to include the responsible use of all types of arms.

But I guess it won’t do much good … these liberal nut jobs won’t stop until they are telling us what breakfast cereal is safe to eat.