I’m very excited about the future of 3D printing for homemade guns.
Actually, the future of homemade/DIY 3D-printed EVERYTHING is very exciting, but for now we’ll talk about guns.
Today I’d like to show you the first 3D-printed M1911 that I’m aware of.
Check it out:
3D Printed M1911 With 3D-printed Parts Too!
The complete IMGUR album is here, but what I find really interesting is that this 1911 handgun not only has a 3D-printed frame, but parts too!
The author says: “Parts were printed in Taulman 910 nylon. Grip safety, manual safety, mainspring housing, mag release, and slide stop are all printed. That saved like $100 in parts (at least for testing purposes).”
For anyone that has built a 1911 pistol (or detail assembled one), you know there’s a lot of “hand fitting” to get things right. I wonder if it being made out of nylon/plastic makes it easier to file/fit?
Here’s a bunch of the test frames that were printed first …
The upper on the 1911 is a standard Kimber .22LR conversion kit. Very cool!
Explanation video here of the entire build with some test-firing:
Honestly, in the updated video below where he does additional test-firing — stuff like “stiff trigger” and “light primer strikes” doesn’t sound like that big of a problem. At least for the 1911 platform, where if you mess with a lot of stuff (like spring strength, etc) you run into these problems anyways.
In other words, I don’t think a lot of his problems are directly because of the 3d-printed frame. They sound like regular 1911 problems.
Pretty cool stuff, what do you think?
If you’re a 1911 guy, do you think — in 10-20 yrs — you would be 3d-printing your own “custom” 1911 at home like this?