I appreciate a healthy does of sarcasm, and, when it comes to anti-gunners, it can be difficult to hold back. Frankly, it’s really easy to be incredibly sarcastic when people say stupid things, so anti-gunners are an easy target.
That may also be why I really appreciate it when I see someone else use sarcasm to easily (and humorously) take apart stupid anti-gun ideas (wait, that was redundant, wasn’t it? Because all anti-gun ideas are stupid. But I digress…). If you want to see a humorous take down of anti-gunners and their love of ineffective Australian-style gun buybacks, watch the two minute video below from Reason TV (hat tip to here for the lead).
Now, this video smoothly goes through how impossible the task that anti-gunners have before them, laying out the legislative achievements (yes, more than one is necessary) and then the practical difficulties of actually getting so many pro-gun Americans to disarm. And then the video makes it very, very clear how overwhelming this task would be.
Oh, and the rising death toll which would be the natural consequence of going through all of that idiocy.
All of that in just over two minutes.
Now, I’m sure that you got a chuckle out of this video just like I did. Unfortunately, I suspect that anti-gunners aren’t going to enjoy the humor as much as you and I do (they are a rather humorless lot, after all), so all of this fun may be wasted on them. But it may be a good quick (and fun) reminder for you and me and your other pro-gun friends as to why we need to defend our Second Amendment rights and protect ourselves from well-meaning (well, at least many of them) idiots.
Always defend your gun rights. It may be your life or the life of a loved one that is saved by your exercise of them.