Sometimes the stupidity of people is appalling. Especially when that person is in a position of influence like the media.
Well, if you’re like me, then a recent tweet by a Newsweek reporter might make you choke on your coffee, it is so utterly idiotic. On November 17, 2018, Nina Burleigh tweeted (hat tip to here for the lead):
Almost every single person I’ve ever heard of with an AR-15 has been a mass murderer. Based on Twitter sample the rest of them are scarily paranoid. Get on the right side of history @DLoesch@Rambobiggs#gunsense
You would think that someone who is a journalist would know how to do some basic research to know that those who support gun ownership are on the right side of history. In fact, a article gives us the straight facts:
According to Gun Owners of America, the governments of the world slaughtered more than 170 million of their own people during the 20th century. The vast majority of those people had been disarmed by their own governments. Why? It wasn’t to stop crime.
It would do Burleigh some good to actually do her job and do some research because private gun ownership decreases crime rates and helps to prevent governments from murdering their own people.
Oh, and to be clear, the largest mass murderers of people are their own governments.
So, the next time someone asks you why you distrust the mainstream media, point them towards this Tweet by a Newsweek journalist and the facts about gun ownership. Guns, yes, even AR-15s, are not primarily owned by mass murderers. They are owned by law-abiding citizens who want to keep both their families and themselves safe, and it is exactly this kind of skewed viewpoint and disinformation put out by a major news outlet journalist that makes people distrust the mainstream media.