NRA’s LaPierre Gets BAD News

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Former NRA head Wayne LaPierre has had a rough last several years. Frankly, the NRA has been swamped with controversy and legal troubles for those years, too. Granted, many of those troubles are due to a rabidly anti-2A state government in New York, but some people say that some of the difficulties are legitimate.

I’m not a lawyer, so, I won’t weigh in on that.

What I can say, though, is that LaPierre was on the receiving end of some really bad news this past week, the kind of news that nobody likes to get. Caden Pearson writes,


A New York jury found former National Rifle Association (NRA) boss Wayne LaPierre liable in a civil case on Friday, ordering him to pay $4.3 million in damages for the mismanagement and misuse of charitable funds.

The verdict concludes a trial in the civil lawsuit brought by the New York Attorney General’s Office, accusing Mr. LaPierre and the NRA of questionable financial and administration practices during his tenure from 2014 to 2022.

The six-person jury found that Mr. LaPierre violated his fiduciary duties, causing $5.4 million in damages to the NRA.

Notably, they recognized that he had repaid just over $1 million to the charity, which reduced the net damages.

Pearson continues:

The Manhattan jury found that Mr. LaPierre had misused millions of dollars from the organization’s funds to make personal luxury purchases over a span of 30 years.

Now, granted, New York isn’t known as the most gun friendly state in the nation or the most friendly towards politically conservative or libertarian politics, in general (just ask Donald Trump).

With that being the case, though, I’m not sure that LaPierre will be able to get this overturned to avoid these penalties. After all, where can he go from here except to more courts in New York? Seems like it could be a losing proposition.

But we’ll have to see where LaPierre goes from here, both in terms of this court case and in terms of employment since stepping down as head of the NRA. It could be interesting to watch.



  1. If this person Suing Mr.LaPierre is the same as the one that went after President Trump then LaPierre should as President Trump should COUNTER SUE Her for MALICIOUS PROSECUTION.

  2. Good !! I’m a life member of the N.R.A. since 1998 because of what that SCUMBAG Did , the N.R.A. didn’t have the funds to run any TV ads ,about premier Biden and his long history of distain for the 2nd Amendment, his anti record ! Here in Arizona no TV ad’s about Comrade madam Governor hobbit! And her anti 2nd Amendment Record when in the Arizona legislature! Voted against all self defense laws! GOOD RIDDANCE SCUMBAG!!! SHOULD BE GOING TO PRISON!!

  3. Only a communist democrat gun owner would believe the President of the NRA and the abuse this person has taken from the communist democrats and the communist democrats that own guns is a moron.

  4. Thanks Wayne! Arizona has a Commie gun grabber for Governor!!! Because you took the members money! The N.R.A Couldn’t afford to run TV ads about Comrade madam Governor Hobbits long history when in the Arizona legislature voting, introduced anti 2nd Amendment Bills ! Voted against the Castles doctrine, Stand your ground, introduced a bill gun licensing for every gun you owned plus registration, and liability insurance! Arrest and prosecution for using a gun in self defense even in your home. And now with the up coming election the legislature here. The N.R.A probably not have the funds to run TV ad’s about what will happen to the 2nd Amendment here if the Commiecrats take our legislature along with Comrade madam Governor hobbit will launch a full assault on the 2nd Amendment in Arizona!!! The already have introduced anti 2nd Amendment bills!! Thanks SCUMBAG!!! . Any members that are Attorney’s how about Class action lawsuit against Wayne

  5. He is getting what he deserves. The money returned suggest his admission of guilt.
    And what about his running the NRA into bankruptcy. Dereliction of duty. He should have been removed many years ago.

  6. I am one of the oldest Life Members, went Life in 1962. Currently a Benefactor Member. LaPierre weakened the NRA by forcing it to cut back on Member Services- Match Administration and reporting, etc. Many members left because of this. The rise of alternate gun rights organizations roughly matched LaPierre’s administration.

  7. I left the N.R.A. years ago when I read that of Mr. LaPierre had a $100,000 a year CLOTHING allowance.
    The N.R.A. wanted my financial support while they spent twice my salary on his CLOTHES?
    They saw nothing wrong with that?
    And they even had the nerve to defend it?
    Sorry, NOT sorry.

  8. None are reporting the more than $200 MILLION of the Members’ money spent to defend LaPew, Fraser, the salacious spending with Ackerman-McQueen and more, all aided by the cabal board. Who will repay that money? What about the tens of millions spent on Carry Guard, you know, the program that featured a former SEAL drawing from the holster with his finger on the trigger? The AG’s case only looked at a small slice of the fraud. The NRA Foundation suits are next and there’s no reporting of the millions of Members’ money spent defending LaPew and other complicit board members. I just want to know when the AG will file criminal charges. After all, LaPew, Carolyn Meadows and Woody Phillips admitted to lying, burning documents, slandering and retaliating against whistleblowers and more. Nothing will be left to sue the accounting firms that blessed the crafty accounting every year. Careful how you vote for your next board members. Elections do have consequences!

  9. There was book written several years ago about the NRA by a former insider.
    It outlined the troubles. Lord Wayne created and showed him to be and indecisive autocrat.
    After reading it I reduced my support to NRA. I have been a life member since high school when my instructor handed out the membership forms ( he was Sgt Major with 2 Silver Stars) I upped to benefactor later.
    I now send my funds to other gun rights groups.
    Please note in other comments several by the same person.

  10. This is just the Left going after our guns and they’re targeting Wayne to do it. You watch and see if the Democrats don’t try to shut down the NRA and use some type of excuse to try and come after our guns. They’re not getting mine and you can count on that.

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