Try Not To Laugh When You Read 1 UNBELIEVABLY STUPID Statement


I’ve heard some pretty stupid things in my time. After all, I lived through the Obama administrations chants for change (which never said what change that they were pushing for), and look at all of the division, strife, and problems that gave us.

Then, there are the stupid statements that you’ll occasionally hear about people believing that they can fly (as in without a plane). Maybe that’s insane, maybe it’s stupid. It’s a bad idea either way.

Or the stupid ideas that some people have about how it’s better to appease criminals rather than being able to overpower criminals. Because appeasement always worked with schoolyard bullies, didn’t it? (The answer to that question, in case you don’t know is: No, appeasement doesn’t get a bully to leave you alone. It prolongs the bullying.)


So, when I read this statement from a member of the police department in Toronto, Canada, I had to stop and re-read it to make sure that I actually read what I thought that I had read.

I had. And, yes, it was that stupid. Dave Urbanski writes,

[City News Toronto] said Cst. Marco Ricciardi advised residents at an Etobicoke safety meeting last month to leave their key fobs in faraday pouches in convenient places for thieves to take in order to lessen the risk of physical violence over the fobs.

“To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at the front door because they are breaking into your home to steal your car; they don’t want anything else,” Ricciardi said, according to City News Toronto. “A lot of them that they’re arresting have guns on them, and they are not toy guns. They are real guns. They’re loaded.”

So, two questions here: How are criminals getting guns in a city and country that push for radical gun control, and how does the Toronto police expect to make crime decrease unless they advise people to defend their lives instead of being cattle for criminals to poach at will?

It’s absurd.

The quickest way to stop criminals from breaking into these people’s homes, stealing their cars, and (let’s be honest) almost certainly assaulting many residents there is to encourage the residents to arm themselves with guns and train to use those firearms. And make no secret of that.

Because the way that you stop a bully, whether in a schoolyard or a criminal group, is to make it clear to them that they will hurt and hurt badly if they try initiate violence on innocent people.

Those who use violence to get their ways only understand violence, so, the good people in the world have to be prepared to do bad things like use a firearm against another human being if that is what it takes to save innocent lives. We may wish that wasn’t the case, but that’s just the way that the world works.



  1. Perhaps that clueless constable should just have told people to leave the keys in the car AND put a big sign on it telling would be car thieves to just take the car and not bother the house owners.

  2. What makes me believe the editor probably knows what he’s talking about is his saying “initiate violence”, not just saying “use” or “try” violence. Most people just take the word, and the concept of, violence as such only, and use it as a blunt and irreducible thing, then talk about crime and violence as if they know what they’re talking about. But they actually have no idea what they’re talking about. This destroys government, law and due process. We see this happening today. People need to go back to school whether they like it or not, know it or not, or think so or not. This editor might help them do it faster and better this time.

  3. They want us unarmed so they can rule with impunity. We will not be able to stop them from taking everything and handing back what they think we should have. That’s been clear for a long time.

    The Second Amendment right to military arms (yes it is) was for stopping just such government betrayals.

  4. All IS being REVEALED! Try that in an American Village, Town, City or County, it’s FAFO! Break into my castle at your own peril. Break into my automobile FAFO! CANADIANS better wake the Hell up!

  5. So true! Appeasement does not work at any level! That includes the schoolyard and its bullies, society and its criminals, and international relations amongst nations. On a higher level, this is how Hitler and his stooges started their evil, and had our country and its allies had stood up to them sooner, we might have not had World War Two. Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing again after a failure and expecting things to turn out differently.

  6. government wants to get rid of your right to possess the very weapons that YOUR MONEY PURCHASED FOR THEM. when you can fight back and kill the TYRANTS they can NOT force you be under their control!

    if you bury at least 1 firearm and some ammo, bury it some place you can gain access to, but on someone else’s property such as the mayors home in the flower garden, etc… bury it where the metal detector will naturally show metal is there, such as a metal fence post, a survey pin, next to the ground rod and wire next to a power pole, or house power meter. anti gun peoples property is a very good choice, so seek out those people in your community so you can figure out the best places to hide your stuff.
    maybe join an anti gun association yourself to root them out, and learn their plans and tactics. get the stickers for your car so your NOT a target of government!

    the biden administration is letting the illegal migrants to replace you and use YOUR MONEY TO DO IT! they are letting the FENTANYL in to try and kill off as many of you as possible with that! according to the
    heads of police departments and doctors, just 4 milligrams will kill anyone!!
    so if you stop a coyote/mule in the desert carrying this stuff, you save so many thousands of lives, but you also can make a paste with distilled water (wear a sealed bio hazard suit with air supply) to fill hollow point .22 long rifle rounds. there will be more than 4 milligrams in each round if you fill the hollow points all the way up.
    if you penetrate any body part with just 1 round, that is a lethal overdose!!! if the criminals have someone carrying the antidote, several rounds i 1 criminal will prevent any reversal! there is no way that every criminal in a gang is carrying 10 pen injectors !!
    their INTENT is to prevent you form going home to your family that night, so dont feel bad when they can NOT go home to their families!!!!
    there is NO WAY that if the casualties are 10 dead bad guys to 1 or 2 civilians , that they will get many replacement CRIMINALS, the fact is the criminal gangs will be shedding lots of members because of these outcomes.
    remember that our forefathers let the british soldiers surrender and go back to briton , and a few years later they regrouped and attacked us in THE WAR OF 1812! if we had of killed them all, and went to briton and killed their “royalty” the war of 1812 would never have happened!!!
    so learn from our forefathers mistakes, and do NOT let the enemy survive the coming war!!! if you let them live, they will do it all again in the future.

  7. And, there are actually people who want him to have an additional four years to continue to do the same things. They also seem to be in favor of some of his more dangerous to the country and citizens plans,

  8. I would call Putin a bully. He doesn’t have the balls to be a man…. Would somebody please tell him what goes around, comes around… People of Russia are getting tired of his BS and one day, near future… I predict he will end up with a third (sightless), eye. In his forehead the size of a 9mm…

  9. This cop in Toronto Ontario, Canada doesn’t have the balls to face any criminal… All he wants to do is just write a report on a stolen vehicle or do something simple… If you don’t face the criminal, more people will become criminals and will figure they can get away with anything… illegal…

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