Joe Biden and his leftist cronies must hate the current make up of the Supreme Court of the United States. After all, the current (somewhat) conservative majority on the court has handed Biden and other gun control fanatics some ugly setbacks.

Like today’s story.

Now, like all gun control policies pushed by those on the anti-2A side of the political spectrum, the court case that we’re talking about today shouldn’t have even needed to happen. After all, the push to ban firearms and firearms accessories and equipment is clearly unconstitutional.


It doesn’t take a genius to understand that. It just takes a plain reading of the text (and a willingness not to go through mental gymnastics to try to make the text say what you want it to say, even if it doesn’t).

It also doesn’t take a genius to understand that gun control doesn’t save lives but actually costs lives. Coming to that conclusion only takes a willingness to actually look at the statistics in context and to acknowledge reality.

But, clearly, reading and acknowledging reality aren’t something that anti-2A activists are willing to do.

So, what is the big court win that we’re celebrating today? Chris Enloe gives us the details:

The Supreme Court on Friday struck down a federal ban on bump stocks.

In December 2018, the Trump administration outlawed bump stocks via an ATF rule that declared the device to be a “machine gun,” thus making bump stocks illegal under federal law. The case, Garland v. Cargill, made its way to the Supreme Court after a U.S. district court initially ruled in the government’s favor, a decision with which the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed.

The central issue in the case is whether a bump stock device fits the definition of “machine gun.”

In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court ruled that the ATF exceeded its statutory authority because bump stock devices do not meet the statutory definition of a “machine gun as defined in 26 U.S.C §5845(b).”

Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the majority opinion.

Using the statutory definition of a machine gun — any firearm capable of firing “automatically more than one shot … by a single function of the trigger” — Thomas explained why a bump stock doesn’t satisfy the definition.

Thankfully, Justice Thomas, unlike those on the other side of this decision, actually knows how to read and think.

And I’m certainly glad to have him on the court to bring some sanity and rationality to those on the other side of the political spectrum on the court who desperately want to make the law do what they feel is the right thing to do. Whether it legally can or not.

Hopefully, we’ll see more of these types of wins coming out way from the court soon.



  1. If you were to read the book by Jon Lott :More Guns Less Crime” Then and only then if you already don’t know that guns in the hands of the American Citizen makes this country not just more safe but the 2nd Amendment and the NRA were in fact the original Department of Homeland Security and in fact did a better job then the current administrator of that office. The reason the mainland of the United States was not attacked by Japanese soldiers in World War II is because a study was done by a Japanese analyst who realized that 1 out of 3 adults in California owned guns and that those people although not military would take up arms to defend their country if attacked. Columbine and Sandy Hook could have been avoided if just one teacher one janitor one principal one adult in the room was armed and well trained with his or her weapon and could have easily taken out the active shooter in these scenarios. But the Liberal Cowards and the Progressive Woke say NO GUNS in schools. With this attitude what do you get is a possible active shooter killing people willy nilly without resistance and with the protection of knowing they are the only person with a gun. The truth is the only way to stop gun violence is with a gun. As my father said you never shoot to wound or to disarm. The reason being after the perpetrator goes through the court system and comes out of jail or heals from their wounds they can sue you and have another day to shoot again. Shooting to kill an active shooter takes care of a very basic need. It stops the active shooter, it saves the courts from costly trials where mistakes are made and bad guys get off on appeals and it saves the tax payers money by not having to feed house and treat medically the prisoners they collect. Right now we have an open border with terrorists MS 13 gang members entering illegally with other 3re world nation cruds from Mexico and other nations that have virtually fucked up their country come here to fuck up ours. Never accept Sharia Law as a way of Life or tolerate a Moderate Muslim. Why? Moderate Muslims once they get up into the percentages of the population will absolutely turn radical. This means if you come to our country you must be vetted, screened and quarantined for diseases, have some sort of skill you are offering a way to sustain yourself financially and a sponsor to make sure you have adequate housing and are not sponging on our infrastructure, hospitals, schools and welfare system. No one gets Social Security unless they paid into it. No one gets a drivers license without an eye test and a written test and finally a road test. Citizenship should only be granted to those patriotic enough to stand for the flag and the National Anthem, support prayer in schools and respect our laws. So many people get it wrong with what kind of government we have. It is a Republic of laws not a Democracy by mob rule. We need to free the January 6th protestors put Trump in the White House drain the swamp build the wall and enforce illegal entry and deport the 11 million illegals that have already entered our country illegally. If they come back execute them on the spot. Yeah baby Make America Great Again. Return to Truth, Justice and the American Way and put our Veterans first before you aid any illegals. Employers should be sanctioned fined and jailed if necessary for hiring illegals which is like aiding and abetting the enemy. We must protect our 2nd Amendment and the Right not the privilege to own and bear arms. Without the protection in place of the 2nd amendment the other amendments are worthless. I am USAF Retired & 100% Service Connected Disabled Honorably Discharged American Vietnam Combat War Veteran who is a Secured Party Creditor a Patriot and still willing to fight for my country and die if necessary to protect and defend the US Constitution and the people who Honor it. Can we please get back to being an English speaking country. Do not accept press 2 for Spanish. We don’t have press 3 for Polish, press 4 for Hungarian, press 5 for Chinese press 6 for Korean press 7 for French press 8 German so why do we cater to a bunch of lazy stupid illegal trespassers who are too stupid to learn our language. I have been called a racist and a white supremist a cracker a Honky a Redneck and a Neo Nazi because of my beliefs. What ever happened to really just being a virtual concerned citizen about his country. Being ethnocentric is that a crime or a virtue. I am a Lifetime member of the NRA and Front Sight not to mention the US Concealed Carry Association and the North American Hunting Club. I have been to John Birch Society Meetings and have aligned with their Conservative ways. I belong to the Amvets, The DAV, The American Legion, The VFW and the Vietnam Veterans of America. I was even a cub and Boy Scout. I guess you can call me a radical American my daughter calls me dad and my 2 grand daughters call me grandpa. U am not WOKE I am AVAKE to the propaganda and the brain washing of the socialists and the communists for which I dedicated my life to fight against. Everyone doesn’t think like me. Don’t you wish everyone did. God Bless America is a famous song sung by Rosemary Clooney. Why can’t we make that our Mantra. Linda Rhondstat sung that I “Come to the beat of a different Drum,” well I guess I do and because my name is Daniel when the pipes were calling I answered my call to duty. I have no regrets other than I wish I could have produced more babies who think and act like me.

  2. Telling the truth I’m behind you 100 percent I’m a true redneck I believe in 2a I’m old and disabled but I can still handle my guns and nobody messes with my family or friends or neighbors and shit would ever happen in my little town i’d be right there showing how good I can handle my weapons

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