What You Can Learn From The Trump ASSASSINATION Attempt


If you haven’t been living in a cave or a media blackout over the past few days, then, you know that someone tried to assassinate Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024.

Yes, we’re at the place in our country where physical violence against political candidates is accepted by some people (words as violence was always acceptable to the political left if you aren’t a part of the political left, and, not, physical violence is, too, it seems). It’s absolutely disgusting.

And while our legacy mainstream media tried to play it off as some little minor incident (really, media, it was “popping sounds” or “Trump stumbled on stage?”) showing the world how much of a propaganda machine that they are, the response from the political left has been both disappointing and completely expected. Many of them are expressing disappointment that Trump survived the shooting.


All of that brings us back to you and what you can learn from this horrible situation.

The first thing to learn is that the government won’t be there to save you. Despite denials from the Secret Service and a local FBI agent, many people on site said that security at previous Trump rallies was more thorough, and the Secret Service has admitted that they made a decision not to post security on the roof top that the would-be assassin used to shoot at Trump for whatever reason.

Think about that. They knew that rooftop made Trump vulnerable, and they didn’t man it.

They won’t be there to save you. Frankly, they can’t be there to save you. The only reason that Trump had a group of Secret Service agents around him is because he’s a former President and a current Presidential candidate.

You and I aren’t either of those things, and your local police department literally can’t be everywhere at once.

Which brings us to the second point, because government cannot protect you (and some would argue, is actively looking for ways to injure you, at least in the case of the current administration), it’s up to you to be situationally aware, trained with your firearm, and carrying. The life that you save may be your own, and you are the one who can save your family when someone starts shooting.

It’s on you to take responsibility for protecting your life and the lives of your loved ones. Go out there and be ready to do it if, God forbid, you have to.



    • NOPE!
      The antifa COWARD just happens to be Crook’s doppelganger……………….
      As reported by 2 separate sources.

  1. Is it worth it to arm up just in case someone tries to take your life ( God forbid ) ? and end up going to prison for 20-40 years for taking that person’s life instead ? I pray that day should never come !!! I’m not against self-defense, but society and lawyers have a way of twisting things to screw you over !!! SIGNED… FRUSTRATED 😠

  2. I hear that the shooter is NOT Dead as originally reported!!!!! We The People are TIRED of all the Fake News as reported. If you can’t give REAL news, it’s time for you to Retire & get yourselves a custodian job!

  3. Hell, there were 2 or 3 shooters. These dem’s and deep staters need to be eradicated. They have no limits in defying laws, supreme court rulings or committing coups against their own candidates as they did to Bernie and now Joe. They are the ones who have created this mess and propagandized Trump, so he would be hated.
    Folks, this country is on its death throws and we are the ones who will change the course of ruin. There is no limit to how they’ll lie, cheat and steal. or commit murder. Don’t forget it.

  4. Wake up people. We have a rogue government, think about it, every department in this administration, especially the intelligence agencies, have worked against Trump for many years, they hate his guts, and all his supporters guts too. None can be trusted, and we must ,the people protect out president. This corrupt, dirty, lawless administration, has no boundaries, but now they are in total chaos, and may get even more violent and stupid, knowing they failed. This was a dam set=up to eliminate our president, now we have to be very vigilant, knowing we can’t trusted any of these dumbocrap commies. Always keep your head on a swivel, u never know who might sneak up on u, and off u. Crazy is, crazy does. never trust a dumbocrap.

  5. The “Demonrat” party is composed of people with a decided allergy to truth. When they are in charge, our country only has more problems. This is not to say that the Republican party is wonderful. Our biggest problem is our current two-party system run by elite career politicians, either in elected office forever or appointed officials who abuse their delegated power. Our entire government needs an overhaul and remake.

  6. Ford Theater, Grassy knowl, roof top, person standing on the street in Reagans case, what does it matter? Makes me think about old man Mieagie in Karake Kid, best way to block punch, not be there ! But what can I say, people are out there doing what they believe they have to do. In the Bible it says, when you see things getting so bad life is threatened, get out of there. Well life in a city is constantly under threat anymore, actually always has been, look at what happened in Sodom and Gamora, or any other city for that matter, all you have to do is read your history, Chicago and many others during the yrs of prohabition etc. If it isn’t an AR15, it’s a IED, a pickup or car, you name it, how about a jet airliner or 5 as was the case? Someone running through a crowd with whatever they can put in their hand, hell how many people were stabbed in the lastest incident with a knife in a crowd before they were stopped? You will never be able to legislate morallity, only devine intervention is going to accomplish this. How long has the world been waiting for that to happen? How much longer before it does happen? Not everyone can run to the hills to get away from what’s happening in the cities.

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