Proof Anti-2A Activists CAN’T Be Trusted To Protect You


One of the most consistently frustrating thing coming out of the anti-2A side of the gun rights issue is the constant lies and dishonesty coming from that camp.

Now, I’m not talking about a small misstatement about something or accidentally saying the wrong name and correcting yourself later when you realize your mistake. No, I’m talking willful dishonesty and outright lies.

A perfect example of lies would be Kamala Harris’s VP pick Tim Walz referring to a rifle that he wants to ban as a weapon of war that he carried into battle. Besides Walz’s error (if we’re being generous towards him) of referring to a civilian rifle as a weapon of war, which just isn’t the case as no army uses civilian firearms for armament in war, there is a clear outright lie in Walz’s statements: He never went into battle. Not once. He lied about his military service.


Now, there is another Tim Walz story that you may have heard about that talks about why he changed from a pro-2A to an anti-2A advocate. Michael Clements writes,

But on Oct. 1, 2017, Walz’s about-face [on the Second Amendment] began.

On that evening, a 64-year-old man, whom the FBI said was unhappy with Las Vegas casinos, opened fire on an estimated 22,000 people attending the Rt 91 Harvest Festival on the Las Vegas Strip. The killer reportedly fired more than 1,000 rounds from the broken window of his 32nd-floor hotel room.

The incident left 58 dead, 413 wounded, and more than 860 injured. The carnage ended when the gunman shot himself.

In 2018, as Walz campaigned for governor, he said his daughter motivated him to change course.

“Hope woke up like many of you did five weeks ago and said, ‘Dad, you’re the only person I know who’s in elected office. You need to stop what’s happening,’” Walz said.

Shortly after the shooting, Walz cosponsored H.R. 1832, the “Funding the CDC for Firearms Safety Research for Gun Violence Prevention Act.”

He also cosponsored H.R. 1478, the “Gun Violence Research Act.” This bill would lift the prohibition on federal funding “to advocate or promote gun control.”

Walz then said he cut ties with the NRA, donated its campaign donations to charity, and began fighting for gun control. When he was elected governor, he took his fight to Minnesota.

While Walz has pushed for tighter gun laws, the Legislature has voted against most of his efforts.

Now, did Walz’s daughter actually say that to him? I have no way of knowing, so, I’m not suggesting that that story isn’t true.

What I will say is that Walz is being deceptive with his advocacy of gun control. After all, as a member of Congress, he had access to the statistics and the raw data to be able to see what the statistics showed when taken in context.

What does the data show? It shows that no gun control efforts, either in place at the time of the horrible Las Vegas shooting, or proposed since then any place in the U.S., would have prevented that horrible incident. None of it.

And it’s dishonest to keep advocating for disarming law-abiding Americans when none of the methods to reduce gun violence proposed by the anti-2A side of things would do anything but make law-abiding Americans less able to defend themselves from people with evil intent who aren’t obeying gun laws anyway.

No, none of the proposed laws would have stopped the Las Vegas or any other mass shooting. What would have stopped it (or, at least, ended it sooner which would have saved lives)? More law-abiding citizens carrying guns on the premises at the time that the shooter opened fire.

But anti-2A activists don’t want anyone to know that. They want to keep gaslighting people into thinking that having guns is the problem and that government taking the guns is the solution, and that’s why you can’t trust anti-2A activists to keep you safe. If they truly were trying to keep you safe, they wouldn’t keep pushing more policies that make the world more dangerous for you and me.



  1. Excellent points in your entire article. Tim Waltz is a liar and either outright lies or straddles the fence to further his political ambitions He is an embarrassment to the rest of us that ever wore a military uniform. The brave men and women in his unit that were deployed should be grateful he chickened out and quit. It would have been dangerous to him anywhere near you in combat.

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