Prepared Gun Owners

Why You MUST Have Your Gun During Disaster Situations

Natural disasters are horrible things to see and are even worse to have to live through first hand. In a disaster situation, so many of the things that we take for granted as Americans are no longer available, whether that is convenient ways to to store food (no power means no working refrigerator), no running clean water for sanitation and drinking, and no communications.

And, then, there are the people.

Disaster situations bring out both the best and the worst in people, and we’ve seen that in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene on eastern Tennessee and North and South Carolina.

On seeing the best side of people, when the Federal government hasn’t stepped up to help people, local residents who still have resources and people who came from outside of the area specifically to help both stepped up to try to help those in need.

Sadly, as we already know, not everyone was there trying to help each other. Tyler Durden writes,

People in parts of the Carolinas, Tennessee, and other storm-stricken states are standing their ground as looting reports flood X. This dire situation highlights the harsh reality that when disaster strikes and the government is nowhere to be found, being prepared and armed will save your life. 

Eight illegal aliens were arrested in the eastern part of Tennessee for looting following the tropical system that unleashed flash floods in Washington County. Maybe these migrants were searching ‘for bread’ to feed their families… We suspect not. 

Durden continues:

In Greenville County, South Carolina, just an hour south of storm-damaged Ashville, North Carolina, Greenville County Sheriff Hobart Lewis told looters his residents are “very well armed.” 

Also, from Durden:

Just north of Greenville in western North Carolina, a video uploaded on TikTok, then X, of realtor Leigh Brown, who warned, “The looting has picked up major steam,” adding, “I was advised by a county sheriff to make sure that anybody out and about is ‘carrying’ and in his words ‘carrying with the safety off.'”

Yes, law enforcement in at least some of these areas is advising people to be armed and warning looters that people are armed, which implies that law enforcement approves of using force, if necessary, to protect your family.

Now, obviously, these aren’t areas with a Soros-promoted nutcase District Attornies looking for any excuse to punish legal gun owners. And that’s good for the people in these areas because they have enough suffering to have to deal with without worrying about being thrown in jail for defending their own lives.

But to get back to the point of letting you know about details about what’s going on in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene: these kinds of horrible situations, no matter how rare, are another reason why you need to be training with your firearm and carrying at all times.

Because when situations become desperate, people become desperate, and, sadly, some desperate people lose their moral code. So, you have to be able to protect both yourself and your family.

Remember your ABCs: Always Be Carrying.