Prepared Gun Owners

You’ll Want To THROW UP When You Hear How Much More Crime Liberals Want

As you know, political liberals (overwhelmingly Democrats in the U.S.) have a reputation for being soft on crime. They seem to want no consequences for behavior (unless you were a White House visitor on January 6th), even criminal behavior, and sometimes it seems that they want to actually encourage bad behavior, no matter how awful the crime.

Now, I have no doubt that many liberals really do mean well and that they want to see the best in everyone. And there are people who have reformed their ways and ended up becoming productive members of society.

But giving people second chances needs to come after those people have a change of heart, not before. In my experience, people who do terrible things don’t have a change of heart before punishment comes, only after (we’re not talking about little kids who have a change of heart after a good scolding, after all).

So, political liberals keep wanting to make excuses for people doing terrible things and to keep giving those people repeated chances without them actually having a change of heart about doing terrible things. If you don’t believe me, just look at the way crime increases in politically liberal cities. It’s horrible.

That fact doesn’t deter those on the political left from wanting to be soft on crime, and that cancerous way of thinking goes to the very top of the political chain. If you have any doubts about that, though, I have some sobering news for you (hat tip to here for the lead). The editors at write,

Just when you think Harris and Walz are the most radical extremists to crawl out of the DC swamp, someone in their progressive orbit slithers along to outdo them. And who is this ghoulish radical? None other than Mrs. Walz, who’s doing a bang-up job of burying her husband’s chances of being installed in the White House, thanks to her obsession with all things violent.

Once again, Mrs. Walz is caught on camera promoting violence and bag guys with a glimmer in her eye.

The post on X that referenced says the following:

Gwen Walz (wife of Tim) says criminals should get as many chances as they want so who cares about law and order

— Paul A. Szypula ?? (@Bubblebathgirl) August 6, 2024

That’s right, she wants to give criminals as many chances as they want.

As if most people learn from their wrong actions without experiencing the consequences of their actions.

Those on the political left quite literally have no understanding of what human nature is really like.

And that makes them dangerous.

And, remember, these are the same people who want to take your guns so that you can’t defend yourself from the criminals that they gave unwarranted second chances to.

We must do everything that we legally can to kick Harris out of the White House and to keep Walz and his wife out of the White House. The future of our nation may depend on it.