Prepared Gun Owners

Anti-2A AGs Called TRAITORS For Supporting Mexico In SCOTUS Case

What do you call a scumbag who betrays his nation and his oath of office to side with an enemy?

Answer: a traitor.

And, according to at least one writer, that is exactly what eighteen (18!) Democrat Attorney Generals in the U.S. are: traitors (hat tip to here for the lead).

Harsh words? Yes, they are, and I’ll let you decide if the label is accurate. Mark Chesnut writes,

In a simply nonsensical turn of events, attorney generals from 18 Democrat-run states have joined together to file a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of Mexico’s lawsuit against U.S. gunmakers and firearms retailers.

Led by rabidly anti-gun and now anti-American California Attorney General Rob Bonta, the AGs came down on the wrong side of the issue, choosing to side with Mexico’s corrupt government rather than Americans working in a highly regulated industry. As usual, the AGs blame violent crime on guns, not criminals—or in this case, bloody cartel members. It is a move that signals they are willing to support the corrupt Mexican government and in so doing, reveal the level of their own corrupt activities that border on treason.

This is simply insane, especially coming from attorney generals who should know the laws that they are paid to prosecute the violations of.

But we shouldn’t be surprised at this action from those people. They’re anti-2A zealots, after all, and anti-2A zealots aren’t people who care about actually protecting a person’s right to protect themselves from criminals of all kinds.

That’s right, all eighteen of these attorney generals belong to the party that defunded police departments, freed criminals, and called often-murderous rioters “mostly peaceful protesters.”

They’re not concerned about protecting people. They aren’t concerned about doing the right thing. The only things that they are concerned about are power and imposing their delusional beliefs on the rest of us.

Let’s hope that the Supreme Court continues to do the right thing in gun cases and throws this case out completely.