Prepared Gun Owners

You Should Sit Down Before Reading The HORRIBLE Things These Anti-2A Activists Did

Anti-2A activists often share some common ugly traits. One of the more common of those traits is the delusion that gun control actually saves lives.

While that is a delusion bubble worth popping, that’s not what we’re talking about today.

What we’re talking about today is one of the other disturbingly common traits among anti-2A activists, and that is a willingness to break the law to force their agenda on the rest of the world.

It’s like an ugly cult.

What makes today’s story worse, though, is who the anti-2A activists are that broke the law (hat tip to here for the lead). You might want to sit down before reading further. Luke McCoy writes,

A recent report by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has revealed that law enforcement agencies across California misused state-run databases more than 7,000 times in 2023.

McCoy continues:

The misuse primarily involved unauthorized access to the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS), which contains sensitive records, including criminal histories, driver’s license information, and concealed carry permit data. Among the most concerning violations, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) was found to have repeatedly violated specific rules against using CLETS to conduct improper background checks on individuals applying for concealed carry permits. Beyond this, officers also accessed the database for personal reasons—running checks on acquaintances, business associates, and romantic partners. In some cases, CLETS data was even unlawfully shared or sold.

EFF’s findings show that violations were not isolated incidents but occurred across multiple agencies, highlighting systemic issues with oversight and accountability. Given California’s strict gun control laws and the sensitive nature of concealed carry permit data, this level of database abuse is particularly alarming.

That’s right. Multiple law enforcement agencies, the very people who are supposed to protect your rights such as your Second Amendment rights, violated the law in an effort to prevent people in California from exercising those rights.

It’s like a fox watching the hen house. The people who did this should be fired and prosecuted. When they were supposed to be protecting the people of California, they were (on the taxpayers’ dime!) being predators to steal those rights.

It’s absolutely infuriating.

But it’s that kind of moral compromise that we too often see from people involved in cults like the anti-2A cult.