Prepared Gun Owners

Should Gun Safety Be Taught At School?

If the political left actually cared about saving lives from gun violence and accidents with firearms, they’d be doing something different than trying to steal the rights of law abiding Americans.

Of course, it isn’t really about saving lives or protecting anything except government overreach on the part of the political left when it comes to how they approach the Second Amendment.

A bill has been proposed in one state, though, that, if passed, actually could make a real difference in saving the lives of children (hat tip to here for the lead).

Make no mistake: the bill isn’t pushing gun control. It’s pushing something that Second Amendment supporters have been advocating for years that the political left hasn’t even had the sense to do themselves: get educated. Darwin Nercesian writes,

The Utah State House has voted overwhelmingly (59-10) to support a bill requiring children to learn about gun safety as early as kindergarten. The Republican-controlled chamber is now sending the measure to the state Senate, despite concerns from anti-Second Amendment groups that say education on the deep-seated American liberty is somehow an unnecessary burden on young children. No, I’m not kidding. They really say that.

Of course they said that. Any excuse will do when you want to keep children ignorant and vulnerable (and, therefore, easily manipulated as adults). Nercesian continues:

The bill passed on Valentine’s Day, proposing mandatory instruction for elementary-age public school students on responding safely when encountering a firearm. The directive would also use age-appropriate videos and a live instructor to demonstrate best gun-handling practices, including safe gun storage, teaching youngsters to prevent avoidable accidents. Instruction would occur on a minimum of three occasions between kindergarten and sixth grade, lessons worth imparting on children, but not a schedule any reasonable person should label intrusive or burdensome.

Does the political left want common sense gun safety legislation? Do they want to save lives? Will they do it for the children?

You already know the answers to those questions because firearms safety education actually makes sense, and anti-2A zealots aren’t interested in actually making sense or making a difference.

No, what they’re after is disarming you and making you defenseless when they have more “mostly peaceful” riots to terrorize a populace into accepting leftist political positions.

Utah should pass this legislation and implement it, and every state in the Union should do the same.