Prepared Gun Owners

How To REALLY Save Lives From Gun Violence

Saving lives is a good thing. It’s the right thing to do, and, contrary to what the legacy mainstream media and anti-2A politicians want you to believe, gun owners do want to save lives. They just disagree with the media and politicians on the best way to do that.

See, the media and politicians want people to believe that guns can’t be used to save lives and that we can all depend on law enforcement to be able to protect us.

The sad truth about that idea, though, is that law enforcement can’t be everywhere all the time. It’s just not physically possible, and a man in our story today is, I’m sure, grateful that someone didn’t wait for law enforcement to show up to intervene (hat tip to here for the lead). Brian Armstrong writes,

 A bystander with a firearm intervened during a violent altercation involving a knife at a McDonald’s in Nashua, New Hampshire.

On Tuesday night, a fight broke out between two groups who police believe knew each other, and it quickly escalated when 22-year-old Jose Vasquez repeatedly stabbed a 32-year-old man multiple times in the face and abdomen.

Felix Marengo, a bystander eating in his car, witnessed the attack and intervened. He told WMUR reporter Maria Wilson, “A guy started getting stabbed. I got out of my car and took my handgun out. As soon as they saw that, the stabber started running behind Wendy.”

Now, Vasquez said that the man that he stabbed started the fight, so, it’s hard to know at this point who was the aggressor and who was the victim in this situation.

What does seem likely, though, is that the guy who was stabbed could have been dead now if Marengo hadn’t intervened with his firearm.

So, yes, a gun probably saved a life in this situation without a single shot being fired.

Saving a life without firing a shot? That’s the highest and best defensive gun use possible.