SECRET Reason The Left Is WRONG About 2A That No One Talks About [Video]


The political left is wrong about gun rights and the Second Amendment. If you’re reading this, I’m assuming that you agree with me about that. And while they have the right to believe wrong things, it’s important that you understand why they are wrong and to never give into their wrong ideas.

So, that brings up the question: Why is the left wrong about the Second Amendment?

That’s a great question. The obvious answer that you probably already think of is that the Second Amendment is absolute in the way that it’s written. That means that the Second Amendment doesn’t list any restrictions to Americans’ right to own firearms.


The second answer that you may have already thought of is that having a firearm allows a physically weaker person to even the odds in a conflict against a more physically dangerous person who is attacking them. This is why all women should own, train with, and carry firearms.

The third reason, though, is likely one that you haven’t considered, and that has to do with a deeper understanding of rights and how they (should) work. Virginia legislator Nick Freitas gives us a quick overview of that, and you can watch below.

Collective rights versus individual rights? Yes, that is one of the biggest mistakes that the political left makes. The political left believes in the idea of collective or group rights, but the Constitution (and anyone supporting liberty) is there to protect individual rights.

In fact, if you go deeper, the belief in protecting the rights of the individual against the oppressive “rights” of the group is exactly why the U.S. was set up as a republic (where the law is supreme) instead of a democracy (where the majority, at any given time, is supreme).

And your Second Amendment rights were codified in the Bill of Rights exactly to protect the people from the tyranny of the majority of any other tyrannical form of government.

And we must protect those rights for our children’s sake.



  1. I don’t think that everyone should have the right to bear arms. There are people out there that are Goofy, that should Never have a gun, (on both sides of the aisle). I do believe that anyone, Everyone that has a gun should have to prove they are mentally SANE. Too many people out there with guns, (right now) that do need their guns taken away from them. People in all walks of life that are dangerous, republicans and democrats alike. Too many people that have bought guns and await the next civil war. As much as right wing militants like to rattle sabers, there are likely as many “armed democrats. Anyone that has ever been in a war knows there is no “glory to be gained. Why don’t right wing and the left get together to remove guns from those that don’t have the mental ability to own them.

    • I guess you should have been there to guide those who crafted the U.S. Constitution. They would have included “except those who are goofy” in the Second Amendment. Get treatment for the goofy people and punish criminals according to the rule of law.

  2. YES it is a Constitutional Republic meaning it is a democracy in elections of individuals NOT EVERYTHING, that is where the difference is IT HAS A cONSTITUTION THAT ( is suppose to) PROTECTS THE INDIVIDUAL’S RIGHTS AND TELLS THE GOVERNMENT WHAT ITS LIMITS ARE …
    The 2nd. Amendment is the key to the constitution, it states that a militia ( made up of the people holding to the Constitution ) are to keep a state free, to that end the people have the RIGHT to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS …

  3. I guess you should have been there to guide those who crafted the U.S. Constitution. They would have included “except those who are goofy” in the Second Amendment. Get treatment for the goofy people and punish criminals according to the rule of law.

  4. Easier still is to point out something the left is right about…..nothing. The 2nd is adamant on people’s rights to own.

  5. I love your “Goofy” comments! Being a Canadian, I would LOVE to have your rights! Unfortunately I am just a piece of shit ruled over STILL to this day by a “MONARCH” who can deal with me as they see fit. We have NO RIGHTS in Canada only as you mentioned “priviledges” which can be taken away with whatever whims they seem fit . We don’t even really own our own lands ,which we have bought & paid for & continue to pay taxes on. They, our current ass kissing government now want to take away our guns! Might be BIG TROUBLES! GOD BLESS YOU ALL ! Hang on to your “RIGHTS” NEVER GIVE UP!

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