Gun-Free Zones: The DISTURBING Truth [Video]


One of the most exhausting things about “discussing” firearms and gun control with an anti-2A person is how often the discussions devolve into absurd name calling and insults on their part simply because you disagree with their policy position. You likely both agree that you want gun violence to decrease, that you want kids to be safe, and that you want a safer community and world overall. You just disagree on the best way to get there.

But very often they can’t see past the fact that you don’t think that gun control is the solution to those problems.

On our side, though, there is this “nasty” thing called facts in context which leads us to believe that, based on evidence and rational thinking, gun control isn’t the solution. In fact, gun control just makes the problem of violence worse.


A perfect example of how gun control actually makes the problem worse is on the subject of gun-free zones.

Anti-2A people seem to think that gun-free zones are like a magic spell cast over the area that has been designated a gun-free zone, such as a school, that keeps the people (especially the children) in that zone safer.

But do they really keep children (or anyone else) safer? That’s what Gun Owners of America asked and decided to answer in a recent video that you can watch below.

This really isn’t a hard question. It’s just a matter of realizing that people look for practical ways to reach their goals. Yes, even if their goals are evil such as a mass shooting.

So, would-be mass shooters actually go out of their way to find a gun-free zone so that they can get a higher kill count when they start pulling the trigger. And, yes, with schools being gun-free zones in many places, that means that schools actually are becoming targets for shooters because the mass shooters don’t expect anyone there to fire back.

Knowing that, the first rational thing that we should do to make our schools safer is to stop advertising that they’re easy targets and remove the gun-free zone designation from them.

In fact, we should remove the gun-free zone designation from every place in our country and make would-be mass shooters the ones who are afraid in the world.



  1. Amerika has a criminal and LAW LESS NESS problem. Guns never act alone. IT is the finger, that is connected to a bad brain, that is the problem. Separate the thugs from the citizens… or we might do it for you. got ammo?

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