Prepared Gun Owners

What Actually Happens When You Try To Enforce Strict Gun Laws…

The District of Columbia (Washington D.C.) has some of the strictestNo Firearms Allowed Sign gun control laws in the U.S.

So, a gun-grabbing liberal would think that D.C. would be the safest place in our country.

They would be thinking wrong.

Here’s an example of what actually happens in the area with some of the strictest gun-control laws according to a report at Fox News:

Police arrested five people for allegedly shooting at officers in Washington, D.C., early Tuesday, officials said. No injuries were reported.

The group allegedly fired at police to avoid arrest, not as part of a targeted attack on cops, a police official told The Washington Post.

So there’s your law-making liberal tax dollars at work folks.  Putting gun control laws into effect that have no affect whatsoever.

A gun-free zone close to our Nation’s capital, that has criminals who carry guns in it … who would have thought?

And these criminals, who don’t care about gun control in the least, are aiming their guns at our Police force.

So that’s a big 0 for 2 in the “effective” Liberal Government dept. in our book.