Court Case In Anti-Gun Stronghold State Violates Second Amendment


As an adult, you know that, even when you do the right thing, that doesn’t mean that you’ll have immediate victory. There is an unfortunate story in an anti-gun stronghold which confirms this fact of life.

You see, the Michigan Supreme Court recently upheld a University of Michigan rule which banned guns on its campuses. The Associated Press notes,

In a 2-1 decision, the court said a 2001 ban doesn’t violate the U.S. Constitution. The court also said the university isn’t covered by a state law that prevents local governments from putting limits on guns.

The university is a “state-level, not a lower level or inferior level, governmental entity. More specifically, it is a constitutional corporation of independent authority,” judges Mark Cavanagh and Deborah Servitto said.

All University of Michigan properties are gun-free for students, non-police staff and the general public, unless a waiver for “extraordinary circumstances” is granted by the public safety department.

Judge David Sawyer wrote a dissenting opinion, saying the university is exceeding its authority by adopting its own restrictions. The appeals court decision was dated Tuesday [June 6, 2017] but released Wednesday [June 7, 2017].

With all due respect to the majority justices in this case, this is the kind of ridiculous thinking that only can come from a state which starts from an anti-gun viewpoint. In the first place, any limitation that doesn’t involve a conflict with another right has no reasonable limitation.


Clearly (and you don’t have to be a Constitutional scholar or a genius), this ban on guns on college campuses only violates the Second Amendment rights of college students (and any visitors) in the State of Michigan. It makes those college students even less safe.

And this gun ban comes from the people crying for safe spaces who say that they are concerned about rapes on campus. But, if they really wanted to keep college students safe, then Constitutional carry would be the rule.

It’s ridiculous, and those majority justices need to be sent back to a real law school to learn their jobs.



  1. Now that Islamist extremists are using knives to attack people what do the students have for protection? We fail to uphold the constitutional rights of students to defend themselves without any reason. It is not the school that is covered by the Second Amendment, it is the students themselves. Therefore, this ruling is unconstitutional


  3. Since the colleges in Michigan take both federal and state monies, doesn’t that make them susceptible to those laws as well? Denying a right guaranteed under the constitution is not legal. These college and universities are not private property, but public institutions.

    • You are absolutely right, these Judges believe that they can bend the constitution to serve their own views instead of enforcing the constitution as it has been written,

  4. Fact 1. Today, there are 80 times as many concealed carry licenses as there are on duty police.
    Fact 2. Gun free zones filter out and incapacitate those with good intentions and cannot possibly stop those with bad intentions.

  5. Did the court bother to explain exactly how this dictat was other than violative of constitutional guarantee, or might it be that courts are not so bound? Perhaps the Court is of the opinion that it doesn’t have to explain or clarify it’s rulings, a situation that of and in itself might well be problematic. Of course, not being learned in the law, perhaps I’m wrong.

  6. I think merely having the judges go back to school to actually learn law and not opinion, is too mild a “correction”. They should be fired for not properly doing their jobs. Under the U.S. Constitution (the supreme law of the land), judges hold their positions during good behavior, not for life. Judges take an oath to uphold the Constitution. Failure to do so is perjury. The Constitution forbids courts from legislating, hence, any legislating by a court is usurpation of a power not granted by law, which is, at least, a felony, and has long been a capital crime of the level of treason, and has been so defined by contemporaries of the writing and ratification of the Constitution. And the law does state, that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

  7. Any in-Constitutional law is null and void, as if it didn’t exist. The second merely confirms a natural right. NO government can withhold a right which preceds it.

  8. Unconstitutional null and void laws include those usurping free speech by voiding the right to refuse service to anyone. Are Americans so dumbed down by government schools they don’t know police do not have the power to order you to bake a cake?

  9. These liberal judges think they make law regardless of what the legislature and Constitution say. This stupid cow should be tared, feathered and rode out of town on a rail, she is nothing but a left wing hack.

  10. The Second amendment of the Constitution is the ONLY permit that American Citizens need to “bear” arms simply put, no state or local law can legally “over-ride” the U.S. Constitution period. All such laws are
    unconstitutional. and as such, are illegal, and unenforceable! eleven States have wisely eliminated
    any “requirements” (permits) that they had, and more are in the works! (Shall not be infringed upon) does not require a Law Degree, just common sense!

  11. The Second amendment of the Constitution is the ONLY permit that American Citizens need to “bear” arms. simply put, no state or local law can legally “over-ride” the U.S. Constitution period. All such laws are
    unconstitutional. and as such, are illegal, and unenforceable! eleven States have wisely eliminated
    any “requirements”/ (permits) that they had, and more are in the works! (Shall not be infringed upon) does not require a Law Degree, just common sense!

  12. The Constitution is called the Supreme Law of the Land because no other law is above it. There is no where in this entire country that I cannot go with my firearm, registered or not, this is what the Supreme law of the Land guarantees. The 10 Commandments, The Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are the only laws that are needed. All other laws, regulations, etc are just opinions designed to control the populace. They are against the Constitution, they are null and void and we can engage in them with impunity.

  13. Once again, judges who swore to uphold the US Constitution make law as they go along…….I bet if you were to Googles these 2 judges, you would find BARRYHUSSEIN connections!!!!!!!

  14. There are MANY ENEMIES OF AMERICA, secret servants of Satan, holding positions of power & authority in America’s government. They must be convicted for TREASON.
    1935 quote from Adolph Hitler: “This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future.”

  15. Of course they want to get rid of guns! This state is FILLED with radical muslimes licking their lips in anticipation of no guns, so they can turn this state into a killing field FULL of helpless “sheep” and no worry about opposition, so they can carry out their EVIL SICK agenda. These TWISTED, sick individuals are forming their own little muslime towns that forbid OUR “law enforcement” from entering. (and WE are letting them????) WTF??? Time to stand up AMERICAN CITIZENS and REMOVE this ANIMAL SCUM (“judges” and all) before it is too late. (it already MY be)

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