Prepared Gun Owners

Elizabeth Warren: If You Can’t Ban Guns, Tax ‘Em!

When it comes to source material for comedy, Democratic Presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren is the gift that keeps on giving.

If you want someone who says stuff more absurd than Bernie Sanders and puts her foot in her mouth almost as consistently as Joe Biden (without being a creeper on women), then Warren is your lady. And, yes, she even says ridiculous things about guns, too! Now, she is spouting more stupidity about guns. John Boch writes,

Elizabeth Warren has proposed not only rolling back the popular Trump tax cuts, but she wants to levy new taxes on wealth and free speech. And, of course, on guns, too!

Yes, the same Elizabeth Warren who invented an American Indian heritage to get an unfair advantage in hiring and promotion earlier in her career. The same Elizabeth Warren who falsely claimed she was fired for becoming pregnant. And now, the same Elizabeth Warren who has arguably become the front-runner among the current candidates for the Democrat nomination for the 2020 presidential race.

She’s talking about a YUGE hike in taxes on guns and ammunition. She wants to triple the tax on guns to 30% to promote “gun safety” initiatives. And she wants to quintuple the tax on ammunition to 50% for…more of the same.

And she thinks that’s a winning platform. I didn’t know recreational marijuana had become legal in Massachusetts yet.

So, what kinds of tax hikes are we talking about? How about 10-30% on gun purchases and 50% on ammunition. Oh, and then there are the additional corporate taxes and an “excessive lobbying tax” that would tax 35% on firms that spend more than a half million dollars on lobbying, 60% when over $1 million is spent on lobbying, and 75% when over $5 million is spent (how much do you want to bet that Planned Parenthood would get an exception?).

Look, even if someone agrees with Warren on her other policy positions, her proposals to, basically, attempt to tax guns out of private ownership is unconstitutional and offensive. She basically wants to try to tax away your self-protection.

Warren has shown herself again and again to be a nutcase, and we cannot afford to allow this woman to become President of the United States.