Bizarre: Father Upset That Star Wars Shows Young Boys The Hero Story That Young Boys Have Always Wanted


You have to wonder what kind of upside-down crazy world that our society is leaving for our kids. So many people in our culture want to label traditional masculine values as toxic masculinity as if being male is a problem.

Little boys (and older boys and men, too) tend to want to be the hero. We don’t want to be the passive bystander. We don’t want to work through the emotional ups and downs of a relationship challenge to come through the tough times with a stronger relationship (this may be good, but how many guys actually voluntarily watch these kinds of movies or read those kinds of fiction books?).

No, we want to save people’s lives. We want to prevent real physical danger.


But so many media leaders and such want to make little boys act like what has traditionally been behavior exhibited by girls. In other words, avoid violence (even when it will save lives) and try to make everyone feel better afterwards.

This just isn’t how little boys are wired, and a recent article by Ryan Britt saying that Star Wars glorifies gun violence really highlights the problem. Britt writes,

I’m a huge Star Wars fan. In fact, as I write this, I’m wearing old Star Wars socks and my big toe is sticking right through a hole in Luke Skywalker’s face. I should get rid of the socks, but I don’t because I love Luke and what he stands for.That is why, as a grown-ass man and as a parent, I’m worried/annoyed/concerned at the direction Star Wars is heading. The premise of the new live-action Star Wars TV show was revealed this week and it’s extremely not about a peace-seeking Jedi Knight or even a revolutionary freedom fighter. Instead, the show is about “a gunfighter.” This is bad, not because TV shows about gunfighters are inherently bad, but because Disney has made Star Wars into a family brand and, given that, gunplay is a crummy default mode for storytelling. […] [I]t’s troubling the franchise wants to double-down (triple down?) on the regressive notion that one person alone with a gun is an interesting premise or a compelling hero.

So, according to Britt, the problem is that showing kids that people use guns is bad. Britt continues,

The gun fixation is particularly egregious because the original Star Wars trilogy was at least vaguely (and maybe staunchly) anti-gun. Obi-Wan says the lightsaber isn’t as “clumsy or random as a blaster,” and encourages Luke to learn about a weapon that works defensively even better than offensively. Luke sticks to this philosophy and even wins the day in both Return of the Jedi and The Last Jedi by refusing to fight. Let that sink in.

I would argue that Britt needs to stop doing what so many modern “historians” are doing: interpreting the storyline and character motivations though his anti-gun fetish.

Star Wars has never been anti-gun. What is has been is about is that one person can make a difference (be the hero) and using violence only when necessary. That’s what little boys need: someone teaching them how to channel their natural tendencies for aggression in acceptable ways: i.e. to save lives. Oftentimes that means working hard and not lashing out, but sometimes that means taking down the bad guy because that is the only way to keep that bad guy from doing more harm.

So, people like Britt want to take away the excitement, action, and potential for feeling like a hero that little boys crave by being more concerned about guns being used than about character. And that is one of the huge problems with how boys in America are being raised.



  1. I have news for you; little *girls* don’t want to be raised like that either! The traits of passivity, emotionalism, and basically decorated weakness are *not* natural to females. Take it from a traditionally-raised woman: “femininity” is a hoax, a fraud, an unnatural construct which — as the song goes — “has to be carefully taught”, just like any other bigotry. Little girls want to be the heroes too, and yes, that includes learning how to shoot “range” weapons, like bows, guns, or blasters. Why do you think so many young girls took up archery after “The Hunger Games” became such a hit?

  2. History is full women who used many weapons to fight with. Star Wars emphasis was to improvise and be familiar with different weapons.

  3. Well Ryan, I hate to burst your bubble but…Luke won in the end because it was in the script. Movie…fiction…Helloooo

  4. Mean are being feminized in every thing these days. Just look at the new issue of GQ as it introduces the NEW masculinity, which is actually femininity. People complain about men being Manly, but then chastise the media when men try to. You cannot have it both ways. For me, I refuse to accept this. To hell with the media and social media. Can men just pleaaassseee go back to being MEN.

  5. what kind of fools are you people boys need to be raised as boys and men girls need to be raised as girls and women. We don’t need to raise a bunch of liberal transgendered freaks put the lgbtq freaks’ into asylums where they belong it is a personal lifestyle choice not an accident of birth they are in need of treatment

  6. I am feminine but we own guns and I plan to go to get my concealed carry. Femininity is not a farce. My daughters both loved and still do love Disney Princesses and loved to dress as then when they were young. It was a natural lean. I would call it God given. My oldest hunts with her husband and is a great shot and my youngest who leaned tomboy ( and princess) when she was younger is a super girly girl and yet she want a concealed carry license too. Little boys make noises when they are little and girls are more social talkers. I teach, was a room mom Brownie Leader. I see girly girls with fairly non girly moms sometimes. Don’t underestimate the differences in the sexes. You can be feminine and strong! Some of the politeness and behavior is mimicked and learned but some of it comes from their God given personalities.

  7. Does anyone realize that STAR WARS is about FICTIONAL happenings? It’s there to entertain us. We all like imagine ourselves as heroes, male or female. Go to the movies to have a good time and munch on some popcorn and ice-cream. If you want lessons in morality, go to church. If you don’t like guns in a fictional setting, stay at home and hide under a table, so that an evil space baddy won’t find you with his light saber or blaster…

  8. “War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing that is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

    A gentleman named John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873) said that. Lesser people might not recognize that even in one-on-one conflict, the sentiment offered by that gentleman holds just as true today. Some things are worthy of violent defense, when necessary, but it would not be morally offensive to vow to never risk anything to protect Mr Mill from any evil at all.

  9. ROFLMAO……the movie is fantasy just like that this pansy lives in. Decent parenting can bring your child up knowing the difference as was practiced 50 years ago BEFORE liberals stuck their noses in. AND BTW, if your children/child aren’t brought up to respect the freedoms we have, like many we have today, they don’t deserve them and will eventually fall victim to the onslaught of the commie socialists rearing their ugly asses today simply for power and personal greed. If you can’t see through their rhetoric, you’re part of that problem.

  10. To Mike B. — Roger That! Since we don’t have the blaster yet, I will have to settle for a good 1911 with a couple of mags.

  11. The castration. of future generations of male children in the planning. There is a good chance the pussified father is not the biological father.

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