Biden’s Gun Statement Makes It Clear That He Has NO CLUE


Most Americans are generally big supporters of the First Amendment meaning that they believe that people should have the ability to say what they want no matter how stupid it is.

Having said that, that doesn’t mean that everyone’s opinion on an issue is worth listening to. After all you don’t listen to a four year old about whether they think that U.S. foreign policy is being handled well. They don’t have any perspective to be able to make an informed comment on the issue.

In the same way, firearms enthusiasts tend to ignore the comments of anti-2A people because anti-2A people clearly have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to gun safety or gun usage. None whatsoever.


If you doubt at all that anti-2A people (maybe, especially anti-2A politicians) are clueless, then, today’s story is one that you should read. Jack Phillips gives us the details:

President Joe Biden said on Oct. 23 that he’s pushing a limit on gun owners having more than “eight bullets in a round.”

It’s unclear exactly what Biden meant because a round contains the bullet, propellant, and cartridge—and many people use the term bullet and round interchangeably. He appears to have made a verbal miscue and meant that he wants a federal restriction on magazine capacity, which is consistent with gun control measures that he and other Democrats have previously pushed.

“My legislation says there can be no more than eight bullets in a round,” he told NowThis News on Oct. 23. “The guys doing these mass killings, they have magazines, they call them, that can hold up to 100 bullets in it. That’s just like having an automatic weapon, which we’re not allowed to have by the way, supposedly.”

Biden didn’t elaborate on how magazine capacity correlates to whether a firearm is semiautomatic or fully automatic.

Later in the interview, Biden also falsely claimed that AR-15 rounds “travel five times the speed of an ordinary bullet.”

When Biden and his anti-2A friends (looking at you, Beto O’Rourke) say ridiculous things like these, one gaff might be a slip of the tongue, but the sheer number of stupid comments about guns and ammunition makes it clear that the simple truth is that he is clueless about firearms

Yet, in spite of knowing nothing, he and other anti-2A politicians pretend to understand that they know better than you and me, legal gun owners with experience with firearms, about how to be keep Americans safe from gun violence.

Of course, the simple fact that he and his associates want to disarm the law-abiding while allowing violent criminals out on no-cash bail tells you everything that you need to know about how wrong-headed his gun policies are.

America deserves better.



  1. The Moron King strikes again! What a colossal waste of perfectly good oxygen. Every time he opens his mouth he proves just how stupid he is. The worst part is that he has people who support him.

  2. Most of the time Creepy Joe Biden doesn’t even know where he is let alone what he is talking about! He’s a MORON!

  3. What he actually says doesn’t matter, what he is about is power over the great unwashed masses! That is true of all of the “elitist’s” everywhere in the world and was true in the pandemic that allowed them to shut the country(s) down all over the world. It is about power and control and has nothing to do with firearms per se, they are simply a part of the plan to subjugate all of us in the same spiral of personal destruction as the majority of the world is already bound up in that makes them subjects rather than folks with some freedom to determine their own paths! Good luck to the United States and all of the history that it has shown the world, because it appears to me that we are losing to those that are subject to the errors of the past!

  4. Don’t forget all the idiots who voted for him and the dumb democrats, we won’t have a country if don’t get rid of these stupid idiots!

  5. An overwhelming and persistent characteristic of Progressives: The are driven by the imperative of controlling others. They cannot just do their own thing and leave us alone. It’s an obnoxious ever-present controlling pathology. It’s a manifestation of Fascism. No one tells them they have to buy guns. No one tells them they must (or can’t) buy gas powered cars or fly private jets half way around the world to discuss carbon pollution, but they’re utterly orgasmic about controlling everyone else. They even have lists of words you cannot say, questions you cannot ask them or clothes you cannot wear because of cultural appropriation. And when an event happens that makes people feel unsafe if they aren’t armed, that when they go into paroxysms about taking your guns away – To protect criminals who damn sure aren’t giving up theirs. Remember: These are the people who believed that orchestrating then illegal sale of a couple thousand guns to Mexican drug lords was a good idea but you buying one isn’t.

  6. The sad fact of this discussion is that he committed treason ,when he left 1103 brand new M-4 rifles 200 black hawk helicopter’s humvees,night vision goggles,body armor behind in Afghanistan.

    That is the true definition of treason and arms dealing to the enemy. Also 64 Millon dollars . To every American this all was paid for by you the tax payer. So you have to, committed treason. The fact that a criminal Joe Bidon , is pushing and has signed laws against your right to keep and bear arms is hypocrisy to the letter. We as law abiding Americans need to come together and push the point and remind these criminals that the second amendment has been written to protect you and it’s self. WILL NOT BE INFRINGED.

    Maybe they are just that stupid the definition of this very word. Is clearly impossible for Bidon,and the anti-2A politics.

    To take over a nation ,one must first de-arm the citizens, quote Adolph Hitler 1933.

  7. The sad fact of this discussion is that he committed treason ,when he left 1103 brand new M-4 rifles 200 black hawk helicopter’s humvees,night vision goggles,body armor behind in Afghanistan.

    That is the true definition of treason and arms dealing to the enemy. Also 64 Millon dollars . To every American this all was paid for by you the tax payer. So you have to, committed treason. The fact that a criminal Joe Bidon , is pushing and has signed laws against your right to keep and bear arms is hypocrisy to the letter. We as law abiding Americans need to come together and push the point and remind these criminals that the second amendment has been written to protect you ,and it’s self. WILL NOT BE INFRINGED.

    Maybe they are just that stupid , the definition of this word, Is clearly impossible for Bidon,and the anti-2A politicians to understand . Definitions ,?s

    To take over a nation ,one must first de-arm the citizens, quote Adolph Hitler 1933.

  8. We need more intelligent choices to elect. Dumb as Biden can be at times, trump was far more stupid. And we are now ‘enjoying’ the inflation and supply chain shortages from his brilliance in shutting down half the country, then handing out fistfuls of cash. Obama was probably the most intelligent prez we’ve seen in awhile, and he was no prize either. Bush junior was clueless, Clinton was smart but couldn’t be trusted… Can we seriously not find better quality candidates?

    • Julie You are truly the Stupid one Obama Smart??? no he was a Con man. and you say Trump caused the problems we have now with Inflation ? you are seriously Misinformed about EVERYTHING in life

  9. He is senile, 79 years old, 7 years older than me and I know more about what the Constitution says and guns and life than him, plus 23 years ago I had a STROKE

  10. He reads tele-promoters and cue cards showing us his speech writers are slightly less stupid than puppet sleepy Joe.

  11. WOW just think you could get 8 deer with just one shot, that would be awesome. but isn’t this the same guy that talked about the AR 15 shooting 30,000 rounds per second or minute? He is one Smart Liberal Idiot

  12. You all are failing to realize the most important aspect of it all. This countries real leaders, not the current President, are behind the scene. The so called leader is nothing more than a PUPPET. Strings people, watch the strings. They tell you all you need to know. If the elected LEADER were a smart person, he or she wouldn’t be able to be manipulated, have to read from a teleprompter. That person could and would be making speeches from the BRAIN, making real sense, speaking truths, getting something worth while done for a change. This country hasn’t had a smart Leader since, well who was the last truly smart one.
    Was it JFK, Eisenhower, Truman? It sure wasn’t Johnson or anyone since him. When Bush said, ” READ MY LIPS”, someone was manipulating his face from behind.

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