Is The LARGEST Sporting Rifle In The World What Joy Behar Was REALLY Talking About? [Video]


Let’s start by stating the obvious: The View‘s Joy Behar is utterly clueless about guns, but she keeps pushing for more and more gun control. Frankly, it’s probably her ignorance about guns and the history of gun control that lead her to push for it. Ignorance and gun control often go hand-in-hand for those who aren’t politicians.

(Politicians often know exactly what they’re pushing for: to disarm you so that you can’t oppose their attempts to control you and profit from that control of you.)

Now, to give you an idea of how much of an ignoramus Behar is about guns, let me remind you of what she said on television about hunting with AR-15s less than six months ago (at the time of this writing). She said,


“But also, if you shoot with an AR-15 — let’s say you shoot a deer — you can’t eat it because you’ve basically demolished the animal.”

Yes, she actually said that, and if you want to know more about that stupidity, you can read more about it here. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t actually heard her say it.

But, let’s give Behar the benefit of the doubt, shall we (something that, no doubt, she wouldn’t give to us)? Maybe she wasn’t thinking of an AR-15 when she said it would destroy the animal. Maybe, just maybe, she was thinking of the 950 JDJ Fat Mac, which is reportedly the largest sporting rifle in the entire world.

And after seeing one, I can see why she would think that shooting something with this gun might destroy it. Frankly, shooting it might destroy me (300 lbs of felt recoil? Really?!?).

It’s massive, and you can see a video about it below.

If I’m being completely honest, I’d love to get my hands on one of these to shoot. Once. Just to be able to say that I did it.

But I’m not sure that my shoulder could handle taking a second shot.

What do you think about this rifle? Comment below.



  1. Elephants, Cape Buffalo, Polar Bears and maybe Grizzlys. Joy Behar, like so many of her kind, is suffering from Psychotic Psychosis.

  2. The woman is suffering from Dementia-fed Self-aggrandizement. (Her egotistic self-importance is vastly overinflated.

  3. give an inch they take a mile. that is the elitist way. so you don’t know your history, well you are going to repeat it. 2000 years ago, in Rome the father/ leader of the family had total control of the members. during a historical event, the son who captained a Roman brigade, went to win his battle after refusing to come home from hos father. upon going home his father had him executed for not obeying his order. we are about to fall into this same corrupted situation where the elitist control your life from cradle to grave. God will not hell you, there is no god. your words not mine. I shall meeting my god soon enough.

  4. Hi well I haven’t had a years but I have seen the “view”and have always thought they were a Marxist women that want full rule over every one and make us the peasants for all time and they the Barron’s ruling over us.

  5. She’s n ashkeNAZI khazarian fake jew…like rothschilds soros rockefeller kissinger schwaub…BAAL worshippers

  6. behar can’t b in her right mind,hasn’t done any research of any kind,she all wrong on what she’s trying to say…bet she never fired any weapon of any kind…she should go back to guns 101..

  7. To heck with Behar and the View. Behar is a classic case of “anal glaucoma”. Translation: Her head is so far up there that she cannot see the light.

  8. Behar needs a plexiotomy….because her head is so far up her a$$ she needs a piece of plexiglass installed where her stomach is so she can see where she’s going!!!!!
    I double dog dare you that if she shot a Redrider BB gun she would shoot her eye out!!!

  9. Likely, the only thing Bigger than the .950 JDJ Fat Mac is Joy Behar’s mouth! She is about as smart as the Fat Mac as well, but I will put my money on the Fat Mac in any intelligence measurements. As much Crap as she spews, she should visit any proctologist who could stomach looking at her to have her plumbing reversed as she is sitting on her air intake… Answering her questionable, ill-informed and just plain stupid comment on the AR 15 versus deer anatomy, lets amp it just slightly, well a whole stinking lot. If you shot a deer with the .950 JDJ Fat Mac, it would likely just ventilate at least a 1 inch + hole through the deer leaving plenty of meat for the hunter to enjoy!

  10. I suppose that my orthopedic surgeon, a shooter himself, would be disappointed in me if I shot one of these against my right shoulder replacement.

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