Gun Control Is To Blame For These Crimes


Guns are associated with a number of crimes in the minds of the public. Typically (especially for those who watch mainstream legacy media news), guns and crimes only come up when a firearm is used to do something terrible to another person as in a murder.

Those are truly horrible, but there are other types of gun crimes that happen that you don’t hear about nearly as often.

These crimes, though, are often a necessary step before the horrible shootings mentioned earlier. In fact, the crimes that we’re going to talk about today, are made worse by gun control, so, it’s perfectly logical to say that gun control not only is to blame for these crimes but, also, for higher rates of violent crime involving firearms.


But going back to the crime directly increased by gun control, Jana J. Pruet writes,

Firearm thefts from vehicles in the United States have tripled over the last 10 years, making cars the largest source of stolen guns, according to a new report.

According to the Everytown for Gun Safety report, which analyzed FBI data from 337 cities and 44 states, the rate of gun thefts from cars increased nearly every year and spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic, a period when weapon purchases also surged.

Pruet continues:

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) director Steve Dettelbach said the trend highlights the need for Americans to safely secure their guns to keep them from getting into the hands of dangerous people. He said his agency, which was not involved in the Everytown report, has found links between stolen firearms and violent crimes. 

“People don’t go to a mall and steal a firearm from a locked car to go hunting. Those guns are going straight to the street,” Mr. Dettelbach said. “They’re going to violent people who can’t pass a background check. They’re going to gangs. They’re going to drug dealers, and they’re going to hurt and kill the people who live in the next town, the next county, or the next state.”

That’s right, criminals are stealing guns from vehicles which are, then, used to commit violent crimes.

But why are they stealing more guns from vehicles? That’s a great question to ask, and one obvious answer is that legal gun owners are the law-abiding type of person, so, they leave their firearms in their vehicles when they go some place that doesn’t allow them to carry their firearm on their person.

In other words, guns are left in cars when the legal gun owner isn’t allowed to carry their firearm in a place due to gun control.

Thus, gun control is increasing firearms thefts from vehicles and is, therefore, increasing violent crime.

To save lives, all gun control needs to be ended. All of it.



  1. Responsible gun owners would also have a safe in the car to secure the gun and make it very hard for a thief to steal it, and otherwise make it invisible so that it wouldn’t be a temptation for a thief.

    • Sorry Terry, but I doubt that everyone has the resources to put a hidden safe in their car. I for one can’t justify that expense. In my case, I try to stay away from places that don’t allow me to protect myself, or I simply don’t carry that day. However, Demoncrats want to make it too expensive for the average American to utilize the 2nd ammendment.

      • Ther are very good gun safes for about 59 dollars. I have one in my truck with a cable on it.

    • If they didn’t have to leave their weapon in their vehicles this type of theft would not happen! So that is all the proof you need to show that this type of theft is a direct cause of Bull Shit unconstitutional gun laws.

  2. I tend to avoid places that advertise that I cannot be armed. This means that merchants who wish to go “woke” forfeit my business. If I determine that a business has made the error of mixing “woke” or liberal politics with business, I will spend my money elsewhere.

    And, for the sake of consideration, if I have a permit to carry, and I follow their wishes to prohibit carry on their premises, making me defenseless, what is their responsibility for my welfare, if I am injured by violence in their store, since they choose to say I have no right to self-preservation, which is the instinct that generates the principle of self-defense? If they demand I be defenseless in their store, are they not liable not only for my safety but also for any injuries I may sustain? This may be a situation for some attorney to test in the courts!

  3. All it would take is Law Enforcement to honor their “oath of office” to we the people and not enforce unconstitutional “laws” which are in name only, and stand up for our Constitution and our Bill of Right which IS part of our Constitution.
    The German police did the same thing, and see how that turned out, sad times now in America is falling.
    America needs to repent and return to God and obey him Luke 22:36 !

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