Prepared Gun Owners

UH-OH: Hunter Biden’s Gun Case Problem

Hunter Biden seems to be a complete chip off the old block. Like his father, Joe, he’s a never-ending parade of controversy and activity of questionable legality. In fact, some have compared his family to an organized crime family, sort of a political Mafia.

Is that true? I’ll let you decide.

What is clear, though, is that Hunter has more than his fair share of problems that seem to be catching up with him despite the continued best efforts of his father to keep him out of jail.

And that brings us to today’s story. Of course, we’re looking at Hunter’s court case involving firearms, since we’re a site dedicated to firearms (though, there are other, non-firearms related charges against him in other cases, too), and the recent efforts of Hunter’s lawyers haven’t been nearly as successful in this firearms case as they’d like. Caden Pearson writes,

A federal judge on Wednesday denied Hunter Biden’s bid to halt the prosecution of his Delaware gun case, deeming it unconvincing and “frivolous.”

U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika issued the ruling on Wednesday, rejecting Mr. Biden’s request to enjoin the investigation led by Special Counsel David Weiss.

Mr. Biden contended that Mr. Weiss’s appointment violated the Appropriations Clause, arguing that he is not an “independent counsel” and was not approved by Congress.

“The Court should enjoin the Special Counsel from continuing to fund his investigation and prosecution of Mr. Biden without an appropriation from Congress or promptly deny the motion so it can be appealed,” Mr. Biden’s motion, filed on May 14, stated.

The judge found no merit in Mr. Biden’s claims, stating that the use of permanent appropriations to fund special counsels has been well-established and previously upheld.“Mr. Weiss was lawfully appointed,” under relevant statutes, “to serve as special counsel to conduct investigations and prosecutions relating to this criminal matter,” Judge Noreika wrote in her decision, “and he is an ‘independent counsel’ appointed pursuant to ‘other law’ within the mining of the permanent appropriation.”

Now, I’m not a lawyer and am only an armchair legal scholar, but this sounds an awful lot like Judge Noreika is telling Hunter Biden’s lawyers to, in effect, stop wasting her time.

I would add that it’s about time that someone stopped treating Hunter Biden with kid gloves and told him to act like an adult. So, I love that the judge called out these efforts by Biden’s lawyers for the nonsense that they are.

Hunter Biden should be treated exactly the same way that you and I would be treated if we broke the law, and we all know that if Hunter was anyone else’s son, he’d already be in prison for lying on an ATF form.