Biden Official’s NEW Way To Try To Take Your Guns

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You don’t usually see anything new coming from the anti-2A side of politics. Sure, they’re relentless with their attempts to steal our rights, but they aren’t typically very original.

This time, though, anti-2A zealots have taken their efforts to a new level, at least from anything that we’ve seen with today’s argument before. Maybe that shouldn’t be a surprise, though, considering that it’s coming from Joe Biden’s administration, which is possibly the most anti-gun administration in U.S. history.

What are they trying to do this time? The Crime Prevention Research Center gives us the details:


On Tuesday, the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy declared: “Firearms are the leading cause of death for children and adolescents” and that it is “public health crisis.” This has been a favorite talking point from the Biden White House, for both President Biden and Vice President Harris, continues to be that guns are the leading cause of death of “children.”  Of course, the news media and fact–checkers push these claims. The problem is it is false.

For those under 18, vehicle deaths are consistently greater than those from firearms. For those under 20, firearm deaths exceed vehicle deaths for 2020, 2021, and 2022 when you use the CDC firearm homicide data. When you use the FBI murder data, the vehicle deaths exceed the firearm deaths for 2019, 2020, and 2022, and likely 2021, though the FBI data isn’t available for that year. The bottom line is that about 44% of murders for those under 20 occur where the victims are 18 and 19.

[A]bout 1/3rd of the firearm deaths for those under 20 involve homicide, where the victims are 18 and 19 years old. About another 20% of involve homicides for 15, 16, and 17-year-olds. These deaths are largely gang-related and even banning guns is unlikely to stop drug gangs from getting a hold of guns to protect their extremely valuable drugs.

A public health crisis? What does he want to do, vaccinate for gun violence?

Utterly ridiculous.

So, what are we supposed to take from this information? Simple: that Joe Biden’s Surgeon General is using the same old lies to push for gun control that we’ve heard before and that have been debunked time and time again. When you take out the gang and drug activity and filter out accidents involving people with previous records of violence (meaning that they probably have firearms illegally), the rate of youth death by firearms plummets.

But the anti-2A side of the political aisle, especially Joe Biden’t administration, keeps trying to remove actual context from the data in an effort to get people to make emotional pushes for gun control. It’s disgusting, really.

And it’s infuriating that someone who represents what had been previously held to be an office worthy of respect regardless of who was in the White House now stoops so low to push their political agenda to steal Americans’ rights.
