1 State Tries SNEAKY Way To Implement Gun Control


In the mind of anti-2A zealots, it would seem that any way to go after our gun rights is a good idea. Never mind that those effort are unconstitutional. Never mind that gun control makes the world a more dangerous place. Never mind that anti-2A activists and politicians have to deceive people to push their agenda.

How they do it with a straight face is beyond me.

Now, given that they’ve had difficulty getting their gun control efforts to stay in place once taken to court, one state is trying a different way to make it harder for people in that state to legally own guns to protect their lives and the lives of their family members. Jana J. Pruet writes,


The National Rifle Association (NRA) has filed a lawsuit against California, challenging its new excise tax on firearm and ammunition sales.

The NRA, along with several second amendment advocacy groups, filed the lawsuit on Tuesday, July 2. They argue that the measure, which imposes an 11 percent excise tax on sales by firearms dealers, manufacturers, and ammunition vendors, violates the Second Amendment to the Constitution.

The new 11 percent tax went into effect one day prior. It is in addition to the 10 percent federal excise tax on wholesale prices for handguns and 11 percent on long guns and ammunition.

Last year, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law the first-of-its-kind excise tax, which was included in a package of bills aimed at strengthening gun safety laws.“California will keep fighting—because gun safety laws work,” the Democratic governor said in a statement after signing the package of bills.

“[Gun] safety laws work?” This from the hypocrite who mandated social distancing and masking during the COVID-19 pandemic while he and his friends got together at upscale restaurants without masks when those restaurants weren’t open to the rest of the public. And you can bet that his personal security detail has firearms on them.

It’s a rules-apply-to-thee-but-not-to-me situation for Newsom.

Which is the way that anti-2A politicians always handle guns. They want to disarm you and me while keeping firearms for themselves and the people protecting them (as if your life isn’t as worthy of saving as theirs is).

And why do they want to disarm you and I? So that we can’t stop them from doing the horrible things that they want to do to us. In the name of caring for us and for the downtrodden, of course. Or for the children.

Thankfully, lawsuits are already going after this attempt to disarm legal gun owners in California, but those lawsuits shouldn’t have needed to have been filed in the first place.

But we probably shouldn’t expect anything better from a hypocrite and would-be dictator like California Governor Gavin Newsom anyway.



  1. The people here in California deserve what they vote for, and it isn’t just Gavin Newsom that is a problem, the down ballots in cities, counties, and the state have a lot to do with it as well, it is they that support this ridiculous governor in his attempts to force everyone to live in his “utopian” environment, and gun control is just one of the many idiotic laws that this government has imposed on the populace of the state! And it is no wonder that all of the reasonable people that are here are looking for a way out of the state in favor of any number of more reasonable climes!

  2. They always push it through as safety, but yet defund the police, who do these people think is going to enforce this safety stuff …

  3. 2nd ammendment stands AS IS no additions or ammendments. California has always been known as the home for fruits and nuts. You have them that state should fall in the ocean and disapear foever. Between washington dc, california, new york when the civil war starts your number 1 on the list

  4. With the number of young military age illegal Chinese communist males freely streaming into Commiefornia, Newsance is about to find out about gun control.

  5. You seem to forget the massive voter fraud that goes on here! I live here too! Especially. When that maggot brain infested bag of rotting meat puppet and his fellow evil Satan’s soldiers of the Demonrat party. Show up for support the there dictator’s re-election. For more mail in voter ballot schemes etc.. Like we are all stupid? Only his brain dead small hand of constituents and henchmen. Who support their own demise.

  6. You seem to forget the massive voter fraud that goes on here! I live here too! Especially. When that maggot brain infested bag of rotting meat puppet and his fellow evil Satan’s soldiers of the Demonrat party. Show up for support the there dictator’s re-election. For more mail in voter ballot schemes etc.. Like we are all stupid? Only his brain dead small hand of constituents and henchmen. Who support their own demise. Why is this site trying to censor me? Saying I already posted this comment before? No I haven’t! Loser’s! You can’t handle the truth!

  7. The dumbocrats will try anything they can to slow down our use of our 2nd amendment rights. And of course in their usual fashion it’s with taxes this time. What a surprise. People like to throw around Gavin Newsom’s name but he has very close ties with the Chinese Mafia…. He’s as corrupt of more so than Crooked Joe!

  8. Here in Washington State , you can no longer buy any mags over a capacity of 10. You cannot buy any parts for an AR, or any other firearm with a capacity over 10. You cannot get a gunsmith to work on your firearm if it is included in the states so called “assault style weapon” wich includes Ruger 10/22, because it can have a magazine with more THAN 10 Capacity

  9. Not getting what they want. Still causes millions of dollars to fight in court to get it removed or found unconstitutional. So as long as they can financially rob you, with their sick ideas, they will continue to push these blatant lies. They have no face. Throw shit in the fan and see what sticks, if nothing does, come up with more shit. They (us) will keep chasing their tails trying to take it down They want the people of this country to be defenseless and in fear for their safety, and the safety of their families. Then they send their troops in to strip us of all we have

  10. The part I think is the scariest now, with Biden looking like he may be forced to pull out of the race, THIS CRACK POT will be the next choice for Biden’s replacement !

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