Cops In Gun Control Zone Give Woman SHOCKING Answer When She Calls Them


If you live in an area that doesn’t allow you to carry a firearm (in most cases) and that has a high crime rate, what do you do if someone is breaking into your house? Most people, regardless of where they live, would say that you should call the police under the impression that the police will be able to get there quickly to deal with the issue.

But what happens if the police can’t come quickly and you’re in danger? After all, when seconds are on the line, the police are only minutes away, right?

That last statement may be a joke (based on reality), but one lady in a gun control zone had to wait hours after calling the police, and what they told her may just blow your mind.


You can hear about the entire situation in the video below in less than eight minutes.

So, this poor lady had to wait four hours for the police to show up, and, then, the officer that came out wasn’t able to get a forensic unit out to the scene for the investigation. So, this lady wasn’t able to get help in a timely manner from the Chicago police (of course it was Chicago), and the police weren’t able to do a thorough investigation. So, it seems likely that the criminal may never be caught.

And to top it all off, the police department told the lady that they wouldn’t be able to get there quickly and that she probably should get a weapon to defend herself with at least until they could get there.


But these kinds of situations are the natural outcome of anti-2A policies that encourage criminals, along with defund the police policies, often pushed by the same anti-2A zealots, that also encourage criminals.

So, the crazies running Chicago and the Illinois Governor’s office have set up a situation where innocent people are victims and many have no realistic way to defend themselves.

Innocent people are suffering and will continue to suffer in Chicago, in Illinois as a whole, and in every area where gun control is pushed as corrupt politicians use government power to make their citizens victims. It’s just plain evil.



  1. Just what kind of a weapon does the cop expect her to get? Maybe a knife or a sword, how about mace or a taser maybe even a slingshot. Surely, he wasn’t telling her to get a gun in a gun free zone. Gun free zones equal target zones, eliminate them. People must be allowed to defend themselves in their own homes.

    • Gives NEW meaning that quote, The tree of liberty must be refreshd with the blood of Patriots AND Tyrants ! In this case, the tyrants would be those committing the criminal actions. Also relates to those running the states and areas forcing civilians to allow themselves to victumized, They sure as Hell aren’t Patriots !!! People need to wake up, learn some tactical skills like hide and wait, then pop out of a concealed space with a base ball bat or whatever else and just put an end to those lives of worthless Tyrants or at the very least knock the grap out of them so they will be available for apprehension if and when the cops can and do show up. It’s not a difficult task to club someone silly or unconscious, tie them up and let them have a bit of time to think about consequences of criminal action.

  2. I suppose that what I don’t necessarily understand about all of this is that there are electoral solutions to this problem, but apparently those that vote don’t get it. It is possible to elect politicians and then hold them to their promises to take care of fixing the problems, and more police are not the answer, but more firearms in the hands of responsible people could well be at least a significant part of the solution. So, how do we get the message to the “great unwashed” masses that need to understand that there is a solution and that solution is in their hands? Of course, it is asking a lot for folks to actually consider the implications of an armed citizenry, as it was at the founding of the country, along with many other countries all over the world that are in even worse conditions without the power of the vote to correct the problems. Of course it does require an intelligent voting block to effect that change, do you think we will ever learn? I personally am skeptical, but always hopeful!

    • What you don’t understand is the elections we are voting in are rigged and the people counting the votes are not truthful.

    • KInd of like the phrase “Physician heal thy self” but different. People go to a Dr. to get medical treatment but those same people still haven’t figured it out, the Police are not a civil service anymore but gang memebers in uniforms with badges, guns, a salary, benefits, free transportation in many cases. The only thing civil about a LEO would be when the Sherrif is sent out to serve civil papers on you because someone else has a complaint against you, someone calls the police because they or someone else has something to complain about like your music is too loud too late at night or you haven’t kept up with the lawn or thrash.

      • Hua – the ‘original’ uncle joe (the russian one) figured that out around 80 years or more ago ;-(

  3. A CCW is one thing, but it is relatively straightforward to get an FOID and buy a firearm to defend your home. Separately, the CPD is underfunded and understaffed–that is a political issue, not a policing issue.

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