DISGUSTING: FBI Tries To Hide True Crime Statistics


One of the talking points that Democrats have been spouting over the last few years is that crime has been falling under Joe Biden’s administration. They keep pointing to the statistics put forth by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and, of course, the legacy mainstream media has dutifully repeated those talking points like the propaganda machine that it is.

Now, you may already be familiar with what is wrong with the statistics that the FBI had been putting forth saying that crime has been decreasing, and you may know why you can’t trust those statistics (if you aren’t familiar with that, you can go here for more information).

What you may not have heard, though (because the legacy media is trying to bury this information), is that the FBI recently released updated crime statistics for 2022 (yes, just now, in late 2024), and they aren’t flattering to the Biden administration’s pathetic “efforts” to control crime (hat tip to here for the lead). John Lott writes,


Yet, with crime a central issue in this year’s election, he and the mainstream media have carefully ignored evidence that the FBI may be fudging its numbers — much like the way the Bureau of Labor Statistics massively overestimated the number of jobs created during the Biden-Harris administration.

Lott continues:

But at the same time — and much more quietly — the FBI revised its earlier data for 2022, turning a reported decrease into a worrisome increase in violent crime.

Last year, the media trumpeted the FBI’s claim that reported violent crime had fallen in 2022 by 2.1%. 

But now the FBI admits that violent crime rose in 2022 instead, by 4.5% — off by 6.6 percentage points.

These updated numbers resulted in a net increase in 2022 over 2021 of 80,029 violent crimes: 1,699 murders, 7,780 rapes, 33,459 robberies and 37,091 aggravated assaults.

That’s right, not only did crime not decrease, it actually increased by more than the Biden administration’s FBI had been saying that it had decreased.

That’s not a minor adjustment. That’s the kind of adjustment that makes you (legitimately) wonder if there was a cover up as long as they felt that they could keep it under wraps. Which, since I haven’t seen any legacy mainstream media news reports on this correction in the crime statistics, has been rather successful. If it hadn’t been for the efforts of John Lott at the Crime Prevention Research Center, we probably wouldn’t know it either.

But this all just confirms what you already knew: the current administration in Washington is lying to you about things that are important to you, the legacy mainstream media is trying to gaslight you and fool you into going along with those lies, and you had better train and carry your firearm. The life that you save is likely to be your own.



  1. Choke off funding of the left coerced departments and start cleaning house from the top down running ignorance or incompetence( or both) completely out of those departments….the swamp awaits!

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