Democrat Candidate’s Attempt To Court Gun Owners Gets Even MORE RIDICULOUS [Video]


Just when you thought that Democrat politicians’ efforts to appear to be “pro-2A” couldn’t get any more ridiculous, they manage to do something that makes their foolishness even more over the top.

And the bar was already pretty high with the previous details of this situation that we already had (you can find out more about that here). Yes, maybe there really does need to be “common-sense Democrat control” because goodness knows that they can’t be trusted with a firearm.

So, here’s the set up: Missouri Senate candidate Lucas Kunce, a Democrat as we implied earlier, had decided to try to give the idea to legal gun owners in that state that he is a fine, upstanding gun enthusiast. To do that, he decided to do some shooting (with permission, apparently) at a back yard range shooting rifles at steel targets.


No problem there until you realize the distance that they were shooting at: 5-7 yards. That’s right, not only were they using high-powered scopes on the rifles at targets that were 5-7 yards out (Really? Yes, really), but the targets were metal targets. Yes, at that distance.

So, no surprise, a ricochet hit one of the reporters who was covering the event in the arm. Fortunately, it doesn’t sound like it was a serious injury, but it happened because, clearly, the people who set up and participated in this situation don’t understand gun safety.

And that’s not even mentioning the tannerite canisters that were within ricochet range from the targets, too. (if you’re not familiar with tannerite, it’s explosive. I’m not kidding.).

It’s enough to take your breath away…

… but it gets even worse. Because the guy who set up the situation…

… is a felon.

Yes, really.

You can find out more in LibertyDoll’s video below.

It’s one of those “truth is stranger than fiction” kind of stories. I’d say that you can’t make this stuff up, and it would probably have been a comedy about bumbling crooks if I had.

But it actually happened.

And these people who are clearly clueless about firearms usage and safety are the same people who want to dictate to you and me about how best to keep people safe from improper firearms use.

We really are living in clown world.



  1. All dems are worthless and stupid connivers, and can never be trusted for anything. That is all you need to know.

  2. Was he convicted on any of those charges? He may be stupid, but the fact that he has been charged does not mean that he has been convicted or had his firearms rights revoked.

    • I wasn’t referring to any legal charges at all. I was referring to shooting steel targets at 7 yds with a rifle of ANY kind….. = stupid, and they have no business even touching a gun of any kind. My original statement stands.

  3. All IS being REVEALED! Your video is very enlightening! Keep them coming to light of day! Thanks

  4. The most concise definition of a Democrat I’ve ever seen is as follows: A dumbass who feels entitled to manage YOUR life.

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