Anti-2A Media Accidentally Justifies 2A


As you know, the legacy mainstream media has a rather long history of having an overwhelming bias against private gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment. But, on occasion, they’ll get things right about the issue which is always a pleasant surprise.

What makes the situation in today’s story kind of weird, though, is that the legacy mainstream media made that point unintentionally. As in, they were intending to make just the opposite argument than they actually made.

It’s strange to see. Joseph Mackinnon writes,


In an episode that aired Sunday, “60 Minutes” advanced the Mexican government’s preferred line regarding its failure to clamp down on gang violence, smearing Americans as “the bad actors in this dynamic” — an allegation that the foreign nation has raised against U.S. gunmakers in a case that will be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court in February.

In the process of pinning Mexico’s ills on America’s Second Amendment, CBS News unwittingly helped make the argument that gun-control laws are ineffective in stopping violent crime.

Mackinnon continues,

Despite these laws [in Mexico making it exceedingly difficult for a civilian to get a firearm], Mexican criminals packing heat have driven a six-year trend of over 30,000 murders annually, and there are an estimated 16.8 million guns in civilian possession.

So, simply putting two and two together, Mexico has an exceedingly high crime rate in spite of it being very difficult for people there to get firearms.

Yet, drug cartels are obviously getting firearms. So, the country of Mexico is suing U.S. gun manufacturers for the gun crime rate in Mexico as if legally selling guns in countries other than Mexico is to blame for crime being committed there.

It’s like someone saying that McDonald’s selling some items that many people would consider unhealthy is to blame for unhealthy people eating those items. McDonald’s selling those items is not to blame for people not having self-control.

And in the same way, gun manufacturers in the U.S. aren’t to blame for gun crime in Mexico. In fact, if the Mexican government wants to actually reduce gun crime there, they should make it easier for law abiding citizens there to get guns.

Because, as we know, gun control isn’t reducing crime in Mexico. Or anywhere else.



  1. The Hollywood anti-gun crowd needs to focus their BS issues toward the actors that make movies about how bad guns are but FAIL to elaborate that it’s the CRIMINALS that perpetrated the crimes. Then they blame the law abiding citizen. Hollywood needs to keep their mouths shut because they don’t know anything about what they are talking about.

  2. If everyone would stop going to the theaters, stop renting Hollywood movies. It will save citizens a lot of money and time. The movies these evil clowns are making is to brainwash people. Meet with your friends in your homes; play with your children, they will absolutely Love us parents for it. I know of church going people who will vote for these baby murdering Demoncrats; Hussein obomagog who was born in Kenya, a radical Muslim. Then joey biden controlled by the Kenyan. The democrats are the party of slavery, for a fact.


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