Pro-2A Governor Trying To GUARANTEE A Fantastic Summer For Gun Owners


One of the things that I’m loving this year so far is the aggressive pushback that pro-2A politicians have been giving towards those on the other side of the aisle.

The obvious person to mention when talking about conservative politicians against those on the political left is Donald Trump who doesn’t back down from a fight. On the contrary, he seems to relish them.

And it’s great fun to watch him give grief to politicians who have been trying to make legal gun owners’ lives miserable for decades in some cases.


Trump isn’t who we’re talking about in today’s article, though. We’re talking about a different politician, a governor who made a recent pro-2A announcement that I’d love to see repeated nationwide (hat tip to here for the lead). AWR Hawkins writes,

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is pushing a “Second Amendment Summer” which would mean no sales tax on guns and ammunition from Memorial Day through Independence Day.

The Tallahassee Democrat noted the break on sales taxes would apply to firearm accessories as well. The paper also noted that nearly half a million firearms were sold in the state of Florida during the fist six months of 2024 alone.

The Miami Herald pointed out DeSantis’ “Second Amendment Summer” is “is projected…to save Floridians $8 million in sales taxes on ammunition, firearms and related accessories.”

It’s enough to bring a tear to my eye, and I’m sure that you feel the same way.

I’m also sure that, if you don’t live in Florida, you certainly wish that you did now, if for no other reason than to save money on the things that you were going to buy anyway.

One of the beautiful things about this idea, besides the way that it stirs up political leftists to start frothing at the mouth (and it’s already done that), is that it encourages law abiding Americans to buy the guns that they wanted to get anyway so that they can more fully exercise their Second Amendment rights.

It also seems to fit in perfectly with an attitude that appears to be not uncommon in Florida: allow law abiding citizens to be armed, and make criminals scared to commit crimes.

Or as one Florida sheriff said, “If you want to break into someone’s home, you should expect to be shot.”

Allowing law abiding citizens to arm themselves and making criminals scared to commit crimes are ideas that should be common all over the country.



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