Is A Gun Like Gold?


When a society collapses, a few things become absolutely vital. Of course, food and clean, sanitary water are the most important. Without those two things, you simply can’t survive. Then, again, there may be something more important than food and water…

… and that’s having guns and ammunition. Why? Not so that you can be the bully and take from other people who aren’t armed, but so that you can prevent people from taking from you what you and your family need for survival.

Similarly, though, you need to have a way to exchange value in a societal collapse situation. In other words, you need money, but let’s be honest, the dollar bills in your pocket likely won’t have any value because, frankly, the only thing that gives them value is that the government requires you to pay taxes using those bills. If society collapses, the government isn’t in control anymore, and you need a different type of thing for currency.


Most people agree that that thing will be gold, whether gold pieces or bars of gold.

Now, my point here isn’t to talk about how important that it is for you to have gold stored up. This is a site about firearms, after all.

No, I bring up gold because of an interesting quote that I read over at ZeroHedge:

Gold to a banker is like a gun to a liberal. They publicly dismiss it, advocate for financial “gun control,” and pretend it’s unnecessary—until it isn’t. Behind closed doors, though, they keep it close. Not because they want to use it, but because they might have to. Gold is to a family’s finances what a gun is to home safety: a last line of defense when the system fails.

That, in a nutshell, is why people need firearms (people want firearms for other reasons, too, like hunting). They need firearms to protect themselves during absolute worst case scenario situations, like when they are attacked or when society collapses.

I certainly never want to be attached, and I don’t want to have to go through a societal collapse. But it’s better to have the firearm and have trained to proficiency with it and not need it than to need it but not have it.



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