See This Video Of The Most PERFECT Example Of A Delusional Tyrant


Have you ever noticed how leftist politicians are just like the stereotype of the uppity schoolteacher who scolds the children in her class if they don’t perform up to her unrealistic (and pointless) demands?

That seems like a pretty accurate description of every tyrannical Democratic governor or mayor whether you are talking about California Governor Gavin Newsom, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, or previous New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

And in the case of New York, that horrible attitude towards treating their constituents like cattle to be controlled is being continued by current New York Governor Kathy Hochul.


See, Hochul is of the opinion that government is the solution to the gun violence problems that they’re seeing in that state, when, in reality, Hochul’s policies are what are allowing that violence problem to get and stay as bad as it is.

But she is either oblivious to this truth, or she doesn’t care about the truth. Really, it doesn’t matter whether she is ignorant or evil about trying to shove gun control down the throats of New Yorkers because the effect is the same: law-aiding citizens who should be able to own and carry a firearm in order to protect themselves aren’t able to do so.

So, innocent people are dying there because those innocent people are unable to defend themselves.

Beyond that, Hochul thinks that she is above the law. Now, I’m all about states refusing to enforce laws that go beyond what the Federal government is legally allowed to do (see the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution), but that’s not what Hochul is trying to do. She is not trying to provide freedoms to her people in defiance of an oppressive Federal government. No, she is trying to continue to take freedoms from the citizens of New York in spite of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling denying her that option.

Colion Noir breaks down the situation in the video below.

Let’s call a spade a spade: Hochul is a would-be dictator that is trying to defy the U.S. Supreme Court in order to make her constituents targets and victims for criminals.

In other words, she’s a tyrant.

The people of New York need to do something in order to take back their gun rights from this Stalin wannabe.



  1. The people of New York elected this tyrant to the office of Lieutenant Governor along with the other tyrant Andrew Cuomo, and she was subsequently elevated to the Governor’s office with the resignation of Cuomo. She is a progressive and a far left politician that the people of New York chose, so they have nothing to complain about when it comes to the laws and regulatory efforts on the part of the Governor’s office. They asked for it, they got it, so for the foreseeable future they will be subjected to the restrictions of their freedoms in whatever manner that she chooses. This is a Constitutional Republic, and as such we elect people to represent our interests in the governmental offices of the cities, boroughs, and state, and we get what we ask for every time. Thank the ignorance of the voters that elected her and her allies to the offices that they hold, and if you don’t like it, perhaps you should run against them, or at least vote intelligently for cripes sake!

  2. So that means that only the criminals are allowed to carry a fire are right? That is just like Chicago then right?

  3. This woman is a nut case and anyone that believes as she does is to. My ex and my son were attacked by a woman and her son. My ex was shot 6 times, my son was able to escape injury.

  4. She said “we don’t need people to carry guns on the street, in restaurants, churches, yada, yada, yada!”
    She is all about disarming law abiding citizens but allowing thugs and gang bangers to run rampant.

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