Gun buybacks. We’ve talked about these a number of times on this site, and we’ve talked about them because political leftists keep promoting them as if they actually decrease gun violence. The problem with that thinking is that gun buybacks don’t decrease gun violence, and, therefore, they are just a waste of taxpayers’ money.
But political leftists keep pushing them anyway.
Fortunately, there are people in the pro-gun community with a sense of humor who, on occasion, decide to troll (prank, in this case) governments that stage gun buybacks. One such prank incident from 2022 caused a politically left Attorney General to unintentionally reveal her real motivations for doing the buyback in 2024. Tyler Durden writes,
On X, New York Attorney General Letitia James announced a new gun buyback event on Long Island for Saturday. The post was heavily ratio’d, with the usual X users in the reply section bashing the progressive politician and arguing how ineffective gun buybacks are at reducing crime. Meanwhile, it seems like James’ office has learned from previous gun buybacks how not to be exploited by the 3D-printed community. Â
“On Saturday, December 14, we’re hosting a gun buyback event in Bohemia at the True North Community Church from 10AM-1PM,” James’ post read, adding, “No ID is needed, and no questions will be asked.”Â
However, in small italicized font, James’ office wrote:
“Anyone bringing homemade or 3D-printed guns will be paid a total of $25, regardless of how many are turned in.”Â
Now, this denial of higher payouts for 3D-printed guns was due to a guy in 2022 turning in 60 3D-printed guns and getting gift cards for $21,000 in return. Durden estimates that the plastic to make those 60 guns probably cost $50.
Here’s the thing, though, if they aren’t willing to pay for each 3D-printed gun, then, do they really consider those guns a threat like they keep saying that they are?
Or are gun buybacks nothing more than a big publicity stunt to push their anti-2A agenda?
You and I both know what the real reason is, and it has nothing to do with public safety.
No Such Thing aa a Government Buy back program!!!!! I bought my guns from either gun dealers Or private parties! The government can NOT BUY BACK something they never sold you in the first place!!! DUHHH!
For the most part, the firearms brought to these events are usually non-functioning junk items that only serve to gain cash for their possessors. The amount offered is usually far less than a fair payment for an item in operational condition. They do nothing to improve public safety and are a misguided means of generating positive publicity.
All you do is look to Austrailia. They are now GUN FREE, exception the MILITARY and the Police. SO, you don’t agree with, visit their version of “RE-EDUCATION CAMPS”. Why , they will teach you to toe the government line, or else.
Adolph and Mao would approve. Fidel, well , he goes in, ransacks your home , takes everything and leaves , then Che’ would simply shoot you.
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