Odd Little .22 Is A Virtually Undetectable Concealed Carry Weapon

Image courtesy Trailblazer Firearms, LLC.

One of the most basic things to consider when purchasing a concealed carry weapon is the concealability. It’s part of the term, so you would think that people would focus on that aspect of it, but there are a surprising number of pistols which people carry for their concealed carry weapon that stand out even when “concealed.”

One little pistol, though, is surprisingly concealable. It’s so small, in fact, and unusually shaped (when folded up) that you may not initially even realize that it’s a gun when you see it. It’s the Lifecard by Trailblazer Firearms, LLC. Travis Pike gives us details about this little gun:

The LifeCard is a single shot derringer chambered in .22 LR. It’s named for the fact that it folds up to resemble a credit card, although it’s much thicker than a regular credit card [see the image above]. The dimensions of the LifeCard when folded up are 3.375 inches long, 2.125 inches wide, and half an inch thick. That’s makes it small and perfectly pocketable.

If you are anything like me, you doubt the effectiveness of a single shot .22 LR pistol for concealed carry. Perhaps it could be a good backup gun, though it’s not quick to deploy. Even then, the LifeCard isn’t much smaller than a tiny .380.

It’s just much more comfortable to conceal and it doesn’t look like a gun. I could carry this around openly, and no one would even know what I had.

Its niche is the fact that it’s hard to detect and ultimately incredibly easy to conceal. If you live in a state full of action-demanding moms, the LifeCard is virtually invisible.

Now, granted, the Lifecard is a single shot firearm, so, if you have to use it, you want to make your shot count, but, if you’re in a pinch, it could just do the job to buy you the time to get out of an ugly situation.


So, if you’re interested in something novel in firearms or if you simply want the most concealable firearm that may be available today, take a look at a Lifecard. It may just be what you were looking for.



    • Tim Clark You sound like a Liberal Idiot. Terrorism is an action against people, not carrying a weapon made for self-defense. Educate Yourself The Ten Commandments never said “thou shall not kill” the sixth commandment said “Thou shall not MURDER”. Throughout it there are verses proclaiming the right to take lives in defense of oneself and defense of the innocent. so the moral aspect is shot down to the level of Luciferian concepts along with those who are being defended against. Those who attempt to take a life without due cause are the ones committing acts of terrorism. Go through any prison and interview the Lifers, they almost without exception Identify as democrats.

  1. There just wanting to take are guns so the can control us it would be like England all over again

  2. MRSP is $399 for this little Novelty (not Niche. Novelty). Save your money and buy an NAA .22LR or .22WMR 5 shot revolver. From Lifecard’s release itt’s been way overpriced for a single shot novelty gun.

  3. The gun is not even legal under federal law. The United States Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 (18 U.S.C. § 922(p)) makes it illegal to manufacture, import, sell, ship, deliver, possess, transfer, or receive any firearm that is not as detectable by walk-through metal detection as a security exemplar containing 3.7 oz (105 g) of steel, or any firearm with major components that do not generate an accurate image before standard airport imaging technology. It doesn’t look like a gun so it violates the law. Constitutional yes but illegal under federal law.

    • Incorrect, in its firing configuration, it looks like a gun. If it could fire in the folding card configuration, you would be correct, but it is not so.
      You’re wrong about the metal content, too, it has plenty of metal, specs are it is >5.5 oz.
      It’s a silly novelty, but it is not an NFA item.

  4. I saw a similar item. It was a .25 Cal. Wallet. (A gun in a billfold wallet that could be fired without opening the billfold. )

    • Those are collector’s items now – pulled off the market after the ATF deemed them to be AOWs, and subject to NFA rules. If the gun can be fired in it’s “wallet” configuration, it is subject to NFA rules, according to the ATF. This lifecard can’t be fired in it’s folded configuration, and when unfolded, is obviously a gun, so it’s not an AOW.

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