Yeah, Bullet Proof Foam Is A Thing (It’s Totally Insane!)


It’s foam made of molten metal! Ultra light-weight, it breaks bullets up into fragments the size of dust. The foam will most likely be placed in the center of two plates or wrapped in a thin layer of Kevlar. The foam is completely capable of stopping and destroying bullets on it’s own, but from the sound of things, it benefits from having support for multiple hits.

Looking at the photos this stuff might be a little bulky, but it’s weight and strength is totally unmatched.

Here’s what happened when the foam met Armour Piercing bullets: (From The N.Y. Post)



The foam worked so well that an armor-piercing round could only penetrate less than an inch on the weapon-facing side of the shield.

On the side facing the warfighter’s body, the bullet was only able to cause an 8 mm indentation on the back .

Body armor innovation is important because it can save lives.

The National Institute of Justice standard allows up to 44 mm indentation from a bullet on the side facing the user — so the foam performs 80 percent better than the maximum standard.


That’s just insane! It’s not the first bullet proof foam on the block, but it does have some of the best test results. Check out the video below:

It’s going to take some time to see real world applications of this substance. Also, what will it cost to manufacturer a vest out of the stuff? There are still plenty of questions about how it’ll all play out, but bullet proof foam is something to keep an eye on.

