This Presidential Candidate Doesn’t Even Know What The Word “Freedom” Means


The current crop of anti-gun candidates for President (and there are a lot of them) are reaching for new highs of foolishness and lows of intelligence. It’s appalling. They all would have failed my high school civics class.

For one example, just take a look at Cory Booker, a Senator from New Jersey (New Jersey should be ashamed). He’s said some ridiculous things, but recent statements about his position on gun control take the cake. As John Boch put it,

Senator Spartacus has pronounced that enacting stiffer gun control laws will bring you freedom. Really. This from the presidential candidate who’s polling at between one and three percent. A candidate who can’t distinguish between a privilege and a constitutional right.

Booker really does seem to be clueless. Susan Jones writes,


Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), one of many Democrats running for his party’s presidential nomination, says gun control will restore freedom to the American people.

Booker told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Wednesday night that in Newark, New Jersey — where Booker once served as mayor — people would show him bullet holes in their windows:

“It creates an environment so crippled by fear and trauma that on the Fourth of July in communities like mine across this country, you have people who hear fireworks, and parents will tell you, their children dive for cover. They cower. They hide.

“We’ve created such a culture of fear that’s now penetrating all types of communities where we say the best we can do to our children now, when they go to school in September, is we can’t protect you, so we’re going to teach you how to duck for cover, shelter in place,” Booker said.

“That is a society that has surrendered basic freedoms. Freedom from violence. Freedom from gunfire. Freedom to live without this kind of constant cortisol in the back of your brain being released that undermines our quality of life. We are losing our well-being as a nation because so many of these guns now are on our streets, so easily gotten by people who intend to do massive amounts of harm.”

That Booker can’t tell the difference between a right and a privilege says a lot about our society, a society that wants the privilege of never hearing something that they disagree with by calling it a right to never be offended. They live in a fantasy world.

Be sure to get out and vote in this Presidential election. If Booker is an example of the thinking of the current crop of anti-gun candidates (and he is), then we have a lot of educating, campaigning, and voting to do to keep our gun rights.



  1. My friend, we have a hell of a lot of educating, campaigning and voting to do to keep ALL of our rights! Our First and Fourth Amendment rights are under attack as well, just not as obviously as our Second! When people are afraid to voice their opinions for fear of “offending someone”, our 1A rights are being eroded as well.

    • Not only our 1A and 4A but also the “Takings Clause” of our 5A as well. I am certain that Spartacus knows all our Constitutional Rights fully well but wants a government monopoly on them and giving government all power ***OVER*** the people. He, along with the rest of the DemonRat party want to change our Constitutional Republic into their very own dictatorship.

    • Don’t forget the 5th A. Just as important as 1 & 4. Read it there is more to the 5th than Miranda. Once you read it you will understand what the real plan the Socialist Pigs on the left want. They want to destroy the Constitution.

    • These people that want to take our guns are idiots. Plus the fact that south of th border there are plenty of guns. Ya don”t think they’d have a field dayif we had no guns. That’s just my opinion, but it think it’s right.

    • I disagree. I regularly have a pee with enough volume to fill Booker’s cranial cavity. Now if you had said “his brain has the intelligence of a puddle of pee” I would have to agree.

  2. Booker is a Joke..He is as dnmb as a door nob..All he does is tell lies and thinks we will believe his BS>Sorry I don’t believe anything that comes from him at any time.He has and is still lying about Trump.need to send him packing now..Term limits NOW..Trump 2020……………

  3. !!! WARNING !!!… The photo posted above is the authentic picture of a complete and total “IDIOT”: Too long of a look at this picture will cause sudden diarrhea and total loss of cognitive awareness and all senses!!! This is exactly what has happened to the “bozos & bimbos” of CNN and MSNBC. But, unfortunately, they weren’t warned by people of “knowledge”, such as maxine waterhead; she was too busy recuperating in the restroom at the time of “its” visitation. The worst part of this “plague” is that it’s irreversible !!! CAUTION!!!

  4. !!! WARNING !!!… The photo posted above is the authentic picture of a complete and total “IDIOT”: Too long of a look at this picture will cause sudden diarrhea and total loss of cognitive awareness and all senses!!! This is exactly what has happened to the “bozos & bimbos” of CNN and MSNBC. But, unfortunately, they weren’t warned by people of “knowledge”, such as maxine waterhead; she was too busy recuperating in the restroom at the time of “its” visitation. The worst part of this “plague” is that it’s irreversible !!! CAUTION!!!

  5. The only cause of fear in this great Nation of ours is the failed justice system! When a cop busts a felon with a gun, 8 out of 10 times the felon is back on the street before the officer is done his paperwork! Gun offenders should be denied bail and made to remain in custody until trial, as they do to legal gun owners when encountered by police!

  6. Spartacus is just another pathological Democrat liar. They’re all trying to sell BS as truth, and the only ones who believe him are the indoctrinated minions. There hasn’t been a case in history where those who’ve been disarmed that remained free. My question is why isn’t the justice department stepping on the toes of these morons who are pushing against the constitution they all took an oath to serve and doing so immediately?

  7. Spartacus needs to really brush up on his history. First: What the first thing his name sake did with his fellow slaves when they revolted against Rome. Second: What was used in our fight for independence against England. Third: What happened to the Jewish people, Cubans, Russians, Chinese and Venezuelans when gun control and confiscation was implemented.
    For a supposedly educated man, he’s not.

  8. Spartacus didn’t stop or fight against the closing of mental institutions, The Promise Program or the release of dangerous criminals when they shouldn’t have been. He didn’t crack down on the MS13 type gangs, drug dealers or illegals. Possible he didn’t because this would give him and his fellow liberal socialists the excuses they needed to implement gun control and confiscation?

  9. I used to work in Newark. For awhile, Cory booker was doing well for the city and for himself, but then he got greedy and left his Mayor’s job and ran for the Senate. Now he is just another faceless blowhard of the liberal persuasion whose once bright promise has been swept into the progressive trash bin. Pity – he could have done much good if he had completed his draining of the little swamp in Newark. Watch reruns of “The Sopranos” to get a feel of what Newark was like.

  10. It is not a constitution right it is a right guaranteed not to be infringed by the government, even though it is just that is a right from our creator that it a restriction on the government.

  11. Regretfully, the author’s statement that the Dem candidates would fail his HS Civics classes is absolutely accurate. “Teachers” (propagandists by another name) have failed the electorate and the pre-electorate for decades. As Bernie said in 2016: ‘A degree today is what my HS Diploma was valued at in the 60’s’… Regretfully, the Degree is valueless based on accurate information. If it isn’t a ‘science’ degree (STEM) it’s an OPINION degree and no good past those who agree with you. Witness the variations of opinions in the ‘humanities’ and the psychology departments, and the fact that we know, but do not teach to, the variations of how individuals learn (8 different ways).

  12. First he is a Democrat so he and the truth almost never cross paths. Second, his claim to fame is a loud mouth. Third, he has never read about Thomas Jefferson or gone to his moment in Washington.

  13. The Problem here is, the Democratic Candidates and their Followers are all Sick in their Heads, their Main Agenda is promoting LGBT Rights, which makes them Very Unfit and Unable to do anything right, that’s why we NEED, to give Trump Another Term.

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