Scary: Gun Tech Development Company COMPLETELY Misses The Point


It’s been said that the worst tyrants are the ones that say that they’re doing it for your own good.

Historically speaking, that is true. And one of the primary reasons that it is true is that well-intentioned people who become tyrants are often also people who can’t see the errors in their assumptions and in their reasoning. The blindness and the tyrant tendencies go hand-in-hand.

That seems to be exactly the case with Austin, Texas technology company Athena Security who is developing technology to detect concealed firearms being carried by people when they enter buildings. This company says they’re trying to prevent mass shootings, and they may be well-intentioned, but they are assuming something that just isn’t true about the problem that they’re trying to solve. Bryce Newberry writes about the technology:


A local company is working to make workplaces and schools safer as more people return to normal activities.

Athena Security, an Austin-based technology company, uses a heat source reference point (HSRP) blackbody device and a thermal camera to help detect a concealed weapon. The system can also detect body temperature, check for a face covering and ask health screening questions.

The technology was originally intended to prevent mass shootings in schools, but now it’s being used in hospitals and meat-packing facilities as well.

In a demo for KVUE, a concealed weapon showed up on an iPad screen when it was tucked underneath clothing in a waistband. The area where the weapon was located showed up darker in color and had a box around it, indicating it was a cooler spot on the person’s body as detected by the thermal camera. That signaled the possibility of a weapon.

Okay, if a person is carrying a firearm concealed, this could allow someone to tell that when the carrier enters the building. But this won’t stop any mass shootings. Care to guess why?

The answer is that mass shooters don’t tend to walk in carrying concealed. They walk in with several firearms ready to fire. They aren’t trying to hide it to get the gun inside. They walk in ready to kill people.

In other words, concealment isn’t the problem. Intent to kill is the problem.

They’re telling us that the technology was developed to prevent mass shootings, but because they’re assumptions are wrong, this will only end up wasting a lot of money and giving people a false sense of security.



  1. Not only does it waste money and give ppl a false sense of security, it would definitely prevent a concealed carrier from stopping a mass shooter. Those of us who know better know that happens more often than is ever told by the msm.

    • Similar to the way that “Gun Free” zones welcome mass shooters and that is what Obama wanted. The Commiecrats want all these anti-gun laws in place in order to subjugate all of us in a Communist dictatorship.

      • “Gun Free Zone”
        “Unarmed Victim Zone”
        I always carry a piece of sidewalk chalk when I enter a “Gun Free Zone” so when the liberal madman with a gun walks in and starts shooting I can lay down and draw a chalk outline around myself… to help the police later.
        Imagine, just for a moment, what would happen if a killer came into a “Gun Free Zone” that had 100 selected victims, pull his gun and was confronted by 99 well armed Citizens… What would the headline stories be then?

  2. Look at where the company is located. Austin, TX is that states liberal hotbed and home to tens of thousands of California transplants how didn’t leave their liberal ideas behind. They just moved to duck the sky high taxes that socialism imposed on everyone. IHO

  3. Because it is a tech company it doesn’t mean they really know how to think.
    It is sort of like “gun-free” zones, the welcome sign for criminals. Reminds me of a cartoon that was in American Rifleman years ago with a guy tied up in a chair with his belonging strewn around and the cop says “and what happened after you told the pollster you don’t believe in guns”.

  4. “….the worst tyrants are the ones that say that they’re doing it for your own good. Historically speaking” Oh please. Even one example where a tyrant did not.

  5. Let Athena Security waste money if it wants to, as long as it’s private money, not government money. The market will tell Athena of the errors in its assumptions and reasoning. The phenomenon of no demand will block it. Only “government” and government resources can let any people of Athena become tyrants, steam rolling the market by force.

    Anybody told those idiots that “people with murderous intents kill people!”
    ONLY people who carry their weapons openly, locked, loaded, with anger in their eyes and rictus on their faces, will walk in and open fire! ( Dang, I could write a book!).
    We will never know who will come out and shoot until that happens!

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