24 U.S. Senators File Legal Brief For This HUGE 2nd Amendment Case


Anti-gunners have been doing everything that they can think of to limit the Second Amendment rights of Americans for years. Sadly, in some states, anti-gun politicians and bureaucrats have made headway in stealing these rights. It’s both frustrating and wrong.

And, many people (like me) would argue, it’s illegal.

A case set to come before the U.S. Supreme Court is arguing just that in reference to New York’s handling of gun rights. This is only the third Second Amendment case that the Supreme Court has ever taken up, so this is a big deal for gun rights. Masooma Haq writes,


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, led 24 other Republican senators to file an amicus brief, arguing that the New York state laws making it hard to carry a gun outside the home violate the Second Amendment.

In regards to the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen case, which is currently pending before the U.S. Supreme Court, the senators wrote, “[L]egislators—whether in Albany or Washington, D.C.—have neither the power nor the authority to second-guess the policy judgments made by the Framers and enshrined in the Constitution.” They added that the Framers’ “decision to guarantee the right of the people to keep and bear arms after weighing all the policy considerations is definitive.”

The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association (NYSRPA), representing Robert Nash and Brendan Koch, brought a federal lawsuit in February 2018 against New York’s police superintendent and a local licensing officer.

After the New York District Court sided with the superintendent, NYSRPA filed a petition with the Supreme Court in Dec. 2020 in which the question presented to the Court was “whether the Second Amendment allows the government to prohibit ordinary law-abiding citizens from carrying handguns outside the home for self-defense.”

Fortunately, the Court decided to hear the Second Amendment arguments. Now, we just hope that they’ll do their jobs and protect the Second Amendment.



  1. 98.6% of all shootings take place in “gun free zones”,which designation actually makes them free fire zones. Announce to killers where they can go to kill without any self defence presence and that’s where they will go. Might as well put up a sign that says “kill here”. Abolish gun free zones and the day that goes into effect the shootings will stop. The left is causing these shootings with their idiotic policies while blaming inanimate fire arms. All victims died because they were in armed. Anti gun ners with this cause the very thing the seek to prevent with their irrational thinking/policy.

  2. Where honest citizens,invariably minorities,gun rights are the most resticted,that is where the policies of the left get these defenseless people killed. It’s never the guns it’s the policies at fault. Lori Lighthead is to blame for Chicago’s murder rate as is Bill Deblamio for New York’s. Stupid is as stupid does.

  3. Where honest citizens,invariably minorities,gun rights are the most resticted,that is where the policies of the left get these defenseless people killed. It’s never the guns it’s the policies at fault. Lori Lighthead is to blame for Chicago’s murder rate as is Bill Deblamio for New York’s. Stupid is as stupid does.l did not already say this,assholes!

  4. Wrong, Ted. When are you all going to wake up?
    The federal 2nd Amendment is aimed only at the federal congress, the only body within the federal government with the power to legislate against the 2nd Amendment.
    Your case makes sense only if you stop believing that We The People did not have the right to keep and bear arms until the federal 2nd Amendment was ratified into law. Read the Declaration of Independence, Ted, which preceded the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It states clearly that our rights came from God. The 2nd Amendment and all of the same language found in all 50 State constitutions are aimed only at elected legislators, not the people. Take away the 2nd Amendment. Does that negate the fact that our rights came from God? Does the federal government have the power to nullify God? Take away the 2nd Amendment. Does that negate the duty God gave us to stand prepared against criminal depredations? Does that negate the duty God gave us to protect ourselves against political tyranny?
    Wow. Ted, you are set on a course to create USSC decisions which, as a matter of law, will indeed have the power to legally send the federal government and the UN after our weapons. Wow. Wake up and smell the coffee. It’s right under your nose.

    • You got it wrong Tim. Sen Cruz is supporting
      the AMICUS BRIEF on the side of the NYSRPA. However, even if the court rules in favor of NASH / KOCH New York’s sleazebag politicians will most likely find a way to ignore the ruling

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