Screen capture from YouTube video.

Women shooters have been a growing segment of gun owners over the last few years, and it looks like the number of women buying firearms will continue to grow.

And it’s really not hard to understand why. Not only are firearms fun to shoot in a sports capacity or for hunting, but as we’ve talked about many times, firearms are the great equalizer. As the perception grows that our society is getting more and more violent, women (who are, sadly, often the targets of violence) are looking for ways to keep both themselves and their children safe. So, they’re buying guns.

So, of course, many manufacturers are making guns with cosmetic choices with the intention of appealing to women.


Unfortunately, for the women who prefer something more tasteful and less gaudy, those choices have been somewhat limited (if you’ve seen the pastel pinks, greens, and blues that have been common on pistols for women, you know what I mean).

Sig Sauer decided to give women a choice of something else by bringing out a special edition of their P365 model called the P365 Rose which is black with tasteful rose–colored accents that you can see in the picture above. If one reviewer is any indication, the move towards tasteful accents over too much glitz is a winning move. Megan Kriss gives us more details of this special edition pistol:

With the Rose Program, I’m happy to say that SIG has not just slapped some pink Cerakote on the P365 and called it a day. There are two models in the Rose line at the time of writing, including the P365-380 Rose and the P365-XL Comp Rose.

Functionally, the guns are identical to the base P365 models which is fine as far as I’m concerned. 

Kriss continues:

On the accessories front, you get two standard 10-round magazines, one flush-fit and one extended, as well as a magazine loader, all of which are also included with the standard versions. 

With the Rose kit, you get some additional goodies in the form of 5 inert training rounds and a Vault-Tek Lifepod quick-access safe. The safe is perfectly sized, as it’s large enough to accommodate the gun, accessories and ammo, but small enough to remain portable and easily fit on a nightstand.

The last thing you get is, I think, the most important. In your box, you’ll find a little note from Lena Miculek which is very sweet, but it also gives you access to a series of videos that go over the basic use of a firearm. This includes everything from safety, loading, racking the slide and all of the other little things that a beginner needs to know. 

There are shooting drills, advice on drawing and holstering, as well as important info on choosing a holster, all taught by 8-time world champion Lena Miculek, a woman the NRA calls “The world’s greatest all-around female shooter.”

As you can see, not only is the P365 Rose designed to be a dependable and classy–looking pistol, but Sig Sauer has designed the entire package to help new shooters get up to speed as quickly as possible short of taking them to the range with their gun purchase.

So, if a woman in your life is a new shooter who likes the more subdued feminine designs, the Sig Sauer P365 Rose (available in both .380 and 9mm) may be one to consider.



  1. It’s impossible to buy protection weapon here. Too many hoops. Meanwhile the criminals are all armed.

  2. Marie Hastings is most likely correct about all that one has to go through just to have some personal protection ! Meanwhile, all the crooks seem to have no problem getting a gun or two, or three or even 20 ? How does that happen when most of them don’t even work ??? I am a man, and I love roses too ! This P360 with the rose is gorgeous ! I would even consider buying one !

  3. may i add the name of a favorite rock and roll group known as ‘guns n roses’… i think a contrasting color on the safety and trigger is a plus for anybody!

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