Federal Court CRUSHES Biden Admin 2A Rule


Joe Biden, despite what he kept saying during the last Presidential campaign, hasn’t met a gun control law that he hasn’t loved. If it restricts, bans, or confiscates firearms, firearms accessories, or ammunition (and if he thinks that he can get away with it), he’s going to go for it.

Frustratingly, that love of gun control goes as far as banning something that all firearms, technically, were, at least up until a relatively short time ago: ghost guns, meaning guns without serial numbers. So, if your great, great grandfather passed on his Civil War rifle to you, then, the Biden administration believed you to have a ghost gun if no one in your family had told them about it.

Going beyond that, the administration desperately wants to prevent Americans from keeping their gun ownership private. Fortunately, a Federal judge didn’t stand for that. Jack Phillips writes,


A federal judge has delivered a blow to the Biden administration’s gun control policy by reversing a federal ban on so-called “ghost guns,” arguing that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) had overstepped its authority.

Texas-based U.S. District Court Judge Reed O’Connor on June 30 ruled that the ATF erred by saying that unfinished gun parts are guns and can therefore be regulated. His ruling found that parts aren’t guns under federal law.

“This case presents the question of whether the federal government may lawfully regulate partially manufactured firearm components, related firearm products, and other tools and materials in keeping with the Gun Control Act of 1968,” wrote O’Connor in his order […]. “Because the court concludes that the government cannot regulate those items without violating federal law, the court holds that the government’s recently enacted final rule … is unlawful agency action taken in excess of the ATF’s statutory jurisdiction. On this basis, the court vacates the final rule.”

Yes, that is a win for our Second Amendment rights. No doubt about that.

But if you’ve been paying attention to Joe Biden and his cronies, then, you know that they will try to find another way to make your gun ownership their business so that they can, then, take those guns.

So, while we have this temporary reprieve, if you’ve been considering making your own ghost gun to keep your gun ownership your own business and not the governments, then, you may want to jump on that and get busy with that process right now before the next challenge from our current zealot-in-chief comes down the pike.

To Learn How to Build Your Own Ghost Gun Click This Link



  1. I reality in his situation both senarios are bad but in reality it could have been worse if the officer who was standing at the door broke the glass and started shooting at the attacker, think of all the other kids behind him that he most likely would have been killed by the officer and the other officers behind him, with adrenaline pumping that had their finger on their trigger wanting to go in gun’s blazing hitting and possibly killing innocent kids behind the shooter, yes it could have been worse, but the only one that really knows is God

  2. The point is none of them officials have any common sense and J B don’t have any at all , just what they are saying to him in his ear piece to say almost all the time and if he can’t hear them he either fumbles trying to talk or walks off and says nothing……no comment , puppet, you should know the rest, it’s that obvious

  3. Yes, get the DC anti-Constitutionalists out asap – by the ballot box, or the batter’s box, or a litter box but mainly a powerful statement that we still like 1A, 2A, and the rest of the stuff that made this Nation great in the first Yes, get the DC anti-Constitutionalists out asap – by the ballot box, or the batter’s box, or a litter box but mainly a powerful statement that we still like 1A, 2A, and the rest of the stuff that made this Nation great in the first place. American principles are what got us here. You don’t change horses when you are still winning.
    American principles are what got us here. You don’t change horses when you are still winning.

  4. This is something I could never understand Gun owners voting for Commiecrats!! Who have Constantly worked on abolishing the 2nd Amendment here in Arizona perfect example Comrade madam Governor hobbit, had one of the worst records against the 2nd Amendment in the history of the Arizona legislature. When in the Arizona Senate. Just vetoed 3 pro 2nd Amendment bills. Boggles my mind!!

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