Mayor BUSTED For Hypocritical Stance On Guns


It’s amazing to me how there is anyone who takes anti-2A politicians seriously when they talk about guns and gun control. Those politicians talk about how gun control will save lives and make a positive difference in the world (in spite of the clear evidence showing the opposite when taken in context), but, then, don’t have gun control in their personal lives.

For example, those politicians nearly always have armed (with firearms) security around them to protect them while they’re telling you and me that we don’t need the same security in our own homes.

And, then, you have one big city mayor’s private statements showing that she’s a hypocrite on this issue.


Lorenz Duchamps writes,

A number of private text messages made public under an open records request appear to reveal St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones’ conflicting storyline regarding stricter gun control measures in cities such as Chicago.

Several of Ms. Jones’ personal texts appears to counter pro-gun control comments she made on multiple occasions, including in a statement last month, in which she urged Congress to expand background checks on individuals who are seeking to purchase firearms, regulate assault rifles, and pass a federal red flag law.

Mark Maxwell, a reporter for KSDK News, posted a series of the Democrat mayor’s text messages on Twitter.

In one of the texts, Ms. Jones texted her father, Virvus Jones, on March 21, which noted: “Chicago has strict gun laws as well but that doesn’t deter gun violence.”

“It’s about investing in the people,” she wrote to her father in another text.

So, to be clear, Jones is pushing gun control under the excuse that it will reduce violence and save lives, but, personally, she admits that, in spite of strict gun control, Chicago’s violence levels are off the charts.

In plain English, we call that hypocrisy.

And this isn’t the first time that a politician who takes a political position of pushing for gun control reveals in other ways that they believe that guns really are important for safety.

So, they’re either hypocrites, or they are sociopaths who just want to control people. I’ll let you decide which it is.



  1. Get rid of this two timing , backstabbing doer of satan’s bidding so-called mayor ! I can’t believe St. Louis has a democratic mayor !

  2. The definition of hypocrisy is knowing that something does not work and pushing the idea that it does …
    Their real reason as it has been thought out HISTORY is to CONTROL PEOPLE …

  3. They are elitists. according to them they know better than everyone else and they are the only ones that can be trusted to have firearms. Everyone else can’t be trusted to protect them selves so they don’t deserve to be protected! Elitists think they are special and will always come up with a reason they deserve to be protected by firearms but no one else. What they really want is power. They want to control every aspect of every one’s life according to what they perceive is the right way to live. The only problem is they seldom live the way they want everyone else to live. Because thy are the elite they think they have special privileges coming that is only for them. Many of these people are in government and will never quit trying to gain more power over other people. This is why the founders of this nation came up with a constitution that limits their power and it is the reason they hate the constitution and think they should be able to change it whenever they want to. It is also the reason the we the people have to jealously guard our rights and need to vote out wokness! The desire for power is not only by the democrats but there are many republicans that profess to be conservative but will often will vote against the people that put them in office [for their own good] .

    • WELL SAID MERLIN !!! I have never heard a better explanation of the way these ADULT CHILDREN THINK ! We need to find a way to put them back in their place PERMENANTLY !!!

  4. When these CORRUPT, Leftist politicians give up their ARMED security, and ‘do it yourself’ ,, then I’ll listen.

  5. A man with a gun is a citizen, A man without a gun is a slave. And they want nothing but slaves serve them, that’s why they want to disarm the citizens so they can’t defend themselves against their tyranny. YOU SHOULD FEAR A GOVERNMENT THAT FEARS YOUR GUNS.

  6. While adults KNOW the truth and ignore idiots like these. The whole gun grab garbage has nothing to do with safety. It has everything to do with control. I’ve noticed these clowns aren’t going after the illegal guns like those stolen or brought into the country illegally but just after the legal ones.

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