The Reason Why Your Wife Needs To Learn Shooting May NOT Be What You Think


Most men that I’ve talked to want their wives and daughters to learn to use firearms in order to protect themselves in this violent world. And that is an absolutely fantastic reason for women to learn both firearms safety and firearms use.

But what if there is another reason that women may want to learn how to shoot safely and effectively, something unrelated to protecting themselves?

That’s what today’s story is about: A woman who, I’m sure, was glad that she learned to shoot, and not just for herself. Dave Urbanski writes,


The Washington County Sheriff’s Department said the incident began around 6:30 p.m. in the 7700 block of Organ Springs Road in Salem where officers responded to a 911 call, the station said, citing an Indiana State Police news release.

Authorities said officers found 45-year-old Michael Chastain in a front yard with a gunshot wound, WDRB reported, adding that he was taken to St. Vincent Hospital in Salem, where he was pronounced dead.

Investigators said Chastain drove through the yard, grabbed the homeowner, forced him to the ground, and pointed a gun at his head, the station said.

The homeowner’s wife saw the incident from inside the house, grabbed her handgun, went outside, and shot Chastain, WTHR-TV reported, citing police.

So, in this case, it wasn’t this woman’s life that was in danger. No, it was her husband’s life that was in danger. And I have no doubt that she’s glad that she learned how to use her handgun because it’s very likely that her husband would be dead, now, if she didn’t have that tool (her handgun) and the training to use it.

So, guys, yes, you should definitely encourage your wife, your daughters, your significant other, and relatives and friends that are women to get a handgun and to train with it and get proficient in order to protect themselves.

Just know, though, that the reality could turn out to be that, instead of only their lives being protected, the life that you save by encouraging that training may turn out to be your own.



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