There Are Fewer CCW Permits, But What’s REALLY Going On?


There’s an interesting statistic that, when you read it, you’ll be wondering why anti-2A people aren’t out there crowing about it, bragging about how they are “winning” the war on guns. But they aren’t bragging about that in the media. What’s going on with that?

That’s a good question, and, while I don’t claim to be able to read minds, I suspect that it comes down to them understanding that the number of concealed carry permits isn’t related to what anti-2A people are all worked up about: gun ownership.

So, the question, then, is what is going on with gun ownership and why isn’t the number of permits related to the ownership number? The answer isn’t hard to figure out if you understand the reality of the situation, and, fortunately, there are people who do (hat tip to here for the lead). Stephen Dinan writes,


More than half of the states now allow residents to carry concealed guns without a permit, leading to a sea change in gun habits, according to a study by the leading researcher on the issue.

John R. Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, said the result is that fewer people are obtaining permits but more people are likely carrying concealed weapons.

It is happening in new areas and demographics. Lower barriers to carrying means more racial minorities and women are carrying in high-crime urban areas, which should lead to dropping crime rates, Mr. Lott said.

Dinan continues:

Mr. Lott said the number of permits issued in states where permits are still required rose by 317,185 over the past year. The number of active permits in constitutional carry states dropped even more, by 485,013, leading to the half-percentage-point drop nationwide.

So, what we have is more gun owners and more people carrying, but because many of those gun owners live in constitutional carry/permitless carry states, not as many are getting permits. So, fewer permits but more gun owners and more people carrying daily.

It’s got to terrify anti-2A zealots to know that.

And that’s a great thing.



  1. Many states are passing laws that a person doesn’t need CCW to carry concealed. Personally I feel it’s wrong but what can we do about it? I grew up with firearms and was taught gun safety from a very early age even before I started hunting back in the 1930s. It’s come to the point that I feel ANY person who buys a gun of any kind should be somehow educated and issued a certification that he/she is fully qualified to have one. As it is now, we have a bunch of fools who go buy something like a .45 or perhaps a .357 Magnum and don’t even know which end the bullets come out of. Don’t get me wrong. I strongly believe in the Second Amendment and firearm ownership, but there are too many fools running around shooting people. We’ve had firearm laws – not anti-firearm laws for years. They should be enforced.

    • That was absolutely stupid! All it means is that ANYONE, be he a criminal or doesn’t know diddley shit about a firearm can carry one and decide at any time to shoot up the whole countryside. Firearm education is the answer. PERIOD!

  2. Those “permitless” carry situations only allow you to carry concealed in your home domicile state. They do not allow you to carry concealed outside of your “home” state. However, a person with a CCW can carry in any other state where CC is allowed (reciprocity). Except, there are some 10 states, I recall, where that reciprocity is not honored. That is okay with me, as I have NO intention of going to or thru those nuisance liberal states anyway.

  3. and how many do carry inthe unconstitutional states just to protect themselves and family

  4. Another reason for few permits is stricter guidelines. I can’t get a permit due to a non-violent restraining order issued 22 years ago in a messy divorce I went through.

  5. CCW’s are a sneaky way to control people, its a CONTRACT and that means the Government can take away your right anytime period. So in reality it only makes the “Law biding suffer, then that was the whole Idea of the CCW’s anyway. Its about CONTROL. Why are the Police not protecting our rights, and why are they working at enforcing unconstitutional and dead laws, Norton vs. Shelby county 118 US 425 p. 442 /
    And 16 Am Jur 2d 177 Late 2d. Sec 256 / And Marbury vs. Madison 5 US (Cranch ) 137,174,176. (1803)

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