A Blue Collar 1911 In Your Hand?

Screen capture from YouTube video.

When people in the shooting world talk about firearms, they will tend to refer back to classic models and designs (like any other interest group refers back to the classics of that interest area). In firearms, for pistols, at least, the classic that people will tend to refer back to the most is the 1911. It’s a design that has stood the test of time.

One of the challenges for many people, though, is the price that 1911s tend to go for these days. For many folks, the 1911 has become a collector’s gun, a luxury that most people can’t afford to have, just like a restored 1965 Corvette is wanted by many classic car buffs, but unaffordable.

So, what can be done about this problem? Well, if you’re at least one manufacturer out there, you decide to put out a model that one reviewer called a “working man’s 1911,” or a blue collar 1911 for the average Joe. That company is Ruger, and the model that we’re talking about is the SR1911. Greg Chabot writes,


This is a working man’s gun, plain and simple. There is no front strap checkering, the grips are standard wooden grips. I swapped them out for more aggressive G10 ones off a Kimber Desert Warrior after my simulated bloody hand test. The frame is cast stainless steel with the plunger tube cast into the frame. The ejection port is flared and lowered. Bushing-to-barrel fit is tight as is slide-to-frame fit. The pre-series 80 trigger is skeletal aluminum and broke at five pounds. The overall quality was outstanding, with good parts fitment and no machine marks.

As a side note, Ruger offers the SR1911 in .45 ACP, 9mm, and 10mm models.

Chabot continues:

Overall, I was completely satisfied with my purchase. The SR1911 is no slouch and performed to my standards for a carry gun. It was 100% reliable and I completely trust my life to this weapon and would have no issues taking it to war. My only complaint is the lack of front strap checkering and grips, which is easily remedied by end-users to their tastes. For the price point this weapon performed better than some higher-priced offerings. Sure, the high-end guns look nice and might be super accurate. If they are not reliable, they are useless as a self-defense weapon in my opinion. Ruger is notorious for advertising a high MSRP for their products. On the streets in my area, they can be found for under $1K USD new if you shop around. If you are looking for a reliable and well-built 1911 made in America look no further than the Ruger SR1911.

A YouTube reviewer had a similar conclusion when testing an SR1911. You can watch that review, including the gun in action, below.

All told, the Ruger SR1911 is bringing in some good, positive feedback, so, if you’re in the market for a solid 1911 without paying boutique weapons prices, this may be a pistol to consider.
