Try Not To Throw Up When You See How They’re Trying To CONTROL You


One of the principles of warfare, according to Sun Tzu, is to have the ability to attack your opponent in many different ways. In other words, if one way doesn’t work, have other ways to fight against your enemy.

Annoyingly, this seems to be a principle that those who push gun control have taken to heart. Oh, sure, some of them simply try to double down and keep pushing the same failed methods of the past, but some of those people are looking for other ways to take away our Second Amendment rights.

For example, one of the newer methods that they’re pushing is using the ATF in new and evil ways. Jack Phillips writes,


The National Rifle Association (NRA) sounded the alarm on a gun-control proposal from a federal regulatory agency that could “unjustly criminalize” Americans from selling a firearm.In a statement Tuesday, the largest U.S. guns-rights group flagged that a rule proposed earlier this year by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosive (ATF) known as ATF2022R-17, which proposed amending and broadening the definition of when a person is deemed to have been “engaged in the business” of being a firearms dealer other than a gunsmith or pawn-broker.

It would expand the definition of a firearms “dealer” to anyone who “sells or offers for sale firearms, and also represents to potential buyers or otherwise demonstrates a willingness and ability to purchase and sell additional firearms,” according to the rule proposal. It would also include the definition would be broadened to include people who sell guns for services, property, or anything other than cash.

The proposal would create a “stand-alone definition of ‘terrorism,'” and would “clarif[y] what it means for a person to be ‘engaged in the business’ of dealing in firearms, and to have the intent to ‘predominantly earn a profit’ from the sale or disposition of firearms,” the rule’s summary stated on the Federal Register. The public comment period on the rule ended last week.

To put it simply, the rule has the purpose of making it exponentially more difficult for people to sell firearms and, thereby, making it more difficult to buy a firearm. After all, how many fewer people are going to be willing to sell firearms if they can be put in jail over a misunderstanding about what they are legally allowed to do?

Make no mistake, this is simply another Biden administration attempt to get around the Constitution and Supreme Court rulings to make you defenseless, and you have to wonder why they are so paranoid about you and I being able to protect ourselves, don’t you?



  1. The ATF is not a law making body. They cannot, by fiat make a rule and then pass it of as a law. Only congress can make laws, PERIOD!! Get that through your brain. Why isn’t eveyone reading this not contacting thier reps and demanding that the ATF be abolished? No government agency has law making authority. WAKE UP!! We are being suckered again!

    • I completely agree. But how do you rile up a complacent, gaslighted public into taking action and standing up for their rights? The public has been conditioned and manipulated for more than a century by the powerful 5th column “establishment” (deep state gløbalīsts) who’ve been exploiting us for generations. People are distracted, overwhelmed, and led to believe they are powerless. Most don’t even know they have been played. We need to find a way to get people motivated to act before it’s too late. How does one get a loud enough voice to wake up and organize enough people to create an impact? I spend a lot of time trying but I have no resources to do anything more than comment here and there as often as humanly possible.

      • Instead of setting back and doing nothing… I think what might help, is to start creating blogs, by all of us, that believe in the first, second, the fourth,
        For self protection and education of the morons that don’t want to read what rights we all have.. my dad had a saying “who in hell, died, and made you boss”

    • How do we force our so-called representatives to abide by their oath to the constitution and abolish the ATF?

      • When you are in a public office you swear to uphold the Constitution, the law of the land….The problem being, you can lead a horse (ppl) to water, but you can’t make them drink. So what is
        next, you quit feeding them… We fire the morons,
        the idiots, impeach and vote them out of office… With exceptions, not the ppl who are doing their job, for…. “We the people”…… With what is happening now, we need a businessman not a politician, lawyer, moron, crook in the people’s house…..(The Wt House).. which is owned by the citizens of America… We are the ones, WHO SAY, who should be living there… With trillions of $. in debt, it’s going to take three generations to even touch the bottom… I’m predicting, a possible civil war…. Worse than the one we had between the states….. (N. and S.)

      • Pretty simple, file a law suit against the ATF, for breach of oath, and taking tax payers money under false pretenses, that’s committing a felony, under ” Title 5 U.S.C. section 7311 and 1333 “. Get the local Sheriff to arrest them ! Do not the local Sheriffs work for us, We The People ?

  2. Well folks…given the way that these GODDAMNED LEFTY LIBTURDS, AND DEEP STATE GLOBALISTS HAVE GAMED THE SYSTEM…WE HAVE BUT ONE OPTION LEFT TO US. In the immortal words of WWE ring announcer Bruce Buffer…”LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!

  3. An unarmed populace can not fight back against Government Tyranny. This is exactly where the Government is heading with this B.S. GUARANTEED

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