UGLY Fallout From 1 State’s Gun Control Laws


Consequences. Actions have consequences, and recognizing that is one of the signs of maturity in a person. And that being true, it looks like anti-2A activists and politicians aren’t very mature individuals.

But we already knew that, didn’t we? After all, they keep blaming the tool (a firearm) for the actions of a person, which is completely illogical.

But going back to consequences, there are consequences that are easy to predict and some that are less easy to predict (to be fair). Frankly, today’s story is about a consequence that should have been as plain as day to anyone with any kind of awareness of reality. Allan Stein writes,


In the village of Ilion, New York, 80 miles west of the state capital in Albany, residents are mourning the departure of gunmaker Remington Arms Co. after two centuries of continuous operation.

Without fanfare, the company announced last month that the manufacturing plant would be closing its doors on March 4, 2024.

“I feel like a family member has died,” Ilion Mayor John Stephens told The Epoch Times. “My dad raised four kids on a paycheck from there for 37 years. He walked to work and carried his lunch every day.”

Mr. Stephens said no one expected the announcement a week after Thanksgiving that the plant was set to close.

On Nov. 30, at 3:26 p.m., the company notified village officials of the decision by email. The message noted that “all separations” with the village would be completed by March 18, 2024.

Likewise, the company notified its 270 employees that they would soon be out of a job.

Now, I don’t want to be mean to the people of Ilion as, frankly, I don’t have any idea if they voted for the anti-gun legislature and governors that New York has had back-to-back-to-back.

But whoever did vote for those clowns like the New York Attorney General who made it her personal mission to go after the NRA and gun manufacturers like Remington, those people are directly to blame for this tragedy in this small town.

Now, people are scrambling to figure out how they’re going to feed their families in this tough economy.

And anti-2A zealots will simply laugh off these folks’ suffering as a “win” in what can only be called a win if you care about political points over real human suffering and struggles.

The voters in New York who voted for the anti-gun politicians are to blame for these people’s coming unemployment, and the anti-2A politicians and bureaucrats are a close second to blame for it, too.

Shame on them.



  1. The state of noo yawk has finally got what they wanted, more welfare recipients. Those residents formerly employed by Remington do have the option of following the company, but who is going to buy a house in an area that has no employer base and state taxes approaching the stratosphere?

  2. When are the people in my home State going to STOP VOTING FOR COMMCRATS !! I left almost twenty years ago because of the Socialist gun laws of my home State. I’m now in Arizona. But I’m very nervous about the election coming up in November, we now have a election stealing Commie gun grabber for Governor, because of the Republican legislature Comrade madam Governor hobbit cannot infringe on the 2nd Amendment here, But if the Republicans lose the November election, along with Comrade madam Governor hobbit the democrats will launch a full assault on the 2nd Amendment rights of the people of Arizona!!

  3. I rather imagine joey Poopy Pants will buy the houses. After all, he’ll need them to house the invaders from all over the planet pouring over the Border every minute of every day. And with their new “right to vote ” they’ll have a say in the solution.

  4. I’m surprised it took so long, should have left when Bloomberg was in charge, Magpul left Colorado over 10 years ago , went north to Wyoming where the 2nd still means some thing.

  5. If any of the people give up their guns, we would all be forever enslaved to a Tyrannical Regime. America is communist! They’re pushing for a war. Once a great nation, has now fallen into pure evil and total domination of its citizens. No more freedom! Suddenlly we all realized that this was never our country from the gate! This was written on the pages of the Bible.

  6. You got what you voted for NY. You can thank idiots like AG Excretia and non-functioning moron AOC for this loss. LaGrange, GA thanks you very much.

  7. Never give up your guns! It’s all in their plan for years to disarm us. I can’t help to think all of these mass shootings were encouraged by communists planted here for years. This is exactly what the forefathers were trying to prevent by giving us the 2nd amendment. Government ternary. All those school shootings could have been stopped by having teachers and staff trained in firearms. Seconds count! Our children lives are more important than stupid gun laws that prevent law abiding citizens from carrying a fire arm on school property. Vote Trump!

  8. This country is going to hell in a hand basket!!! Thanks to all who voted for sleepy Joe.

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