Not Even LIBERALS Take Gun Control Seriously


Here’s a serious question for you: If you caught someone stealing firearms, and they were clearly guilty, in fact, they sold those guns illegally, too. What do you think that the legal system should do to them?

Maybe it’s a better question to ask what you think that the legal system will do to a person who is busted doing this. Will they be put into jail for years without chance of bail like some kind of drug dealer, mass murderer, or January 6th protestor?

Or will something else will happen?


Well, this isn’t just a hypothetical set of questions. This situation really happened in a state that has a reputation for having strict gun control. Cortney Weil lets us know the details:

A federal judge in Massachusetts seemed to go easy on a former FedEx driver who admitted to stealing guns from his truck and then selling them. The judge sentenced the driver to time served: a whole six days.

Six days from a judge in liberal Massachusetts. That’s not a typo. Weil continues:

O’Toole eventually pled guilty to two counts of possession or sale of a stolen firearm, a crime that carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, and the Department of Justice recommended a 10-month sentence.

However, U.S. District Court Judge Angel Kelley opted not to heed that recommendation. Instead, Judge Kelley sentenced O’Toole to time served, which amounted to six days, as well as three years of supervised release. While under supervised release, O’Toole must also complete 250 hours of community service.

If it had been you or me, legal gun owners who haven’t broken any laws, it seems pretty likely that a judge in Massachusetts would crucify us. We would have been sent to jail for ten years and bankrupted by that $250,000 fine.

But not even liberals really care about gun control except as a way to disarm and, if possible, incarcerate legal gun owners over a difference in political opinion.

The hypocrisy is appalling.



  1. It is worse when the firearms were stolen from you and the police refuse to do anything they expect YOU to go and do their jobs for them

  2. .The liberals and progressives make all these laws against guns, then when someone breaks those laws they give them a slap on the wrist and TELL THEM NOT TO DO IT AGAIN …
    BUT THEY WILL………..

  3. What we have here is called a conundrum. Take your usual “let them go” and “close the prison” liberals and they’d like to “jail” all those that don’t believe in their agenda. How can they jail us if all the prisons are shuttered?

  4. It is gone beyond time to quit using the term “gun control” and call it what it is “population disarmament”. The only way the gun controllers will be happy when only the true believers have guns or control the forces of oppression (AKA – police, armed forces or other armed loyal groups).
    For historical reference see China, Russia, Nazi Germany.

  5. If that would have been me they would have given me ten years or more I bet you it is in who you know and how good you blow

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