GUESS Who Is Least Concerned About Crime?


Crime is a loaded word in American society these days. For political conservatives, it means a horrible violation of victims’ rights. For political leftists, it’s a symbol of racial or class-based discrimination and not about who is really hurt by that crime.

“Why would that be?,” you might ask. It’s a great question.

The answer to that question will become clear to you when you understand who isn’t worried about being the victims of crime. An article from our friends at the Crime Prevention Research Center gives those details:


By a 4.7-to-1 margin, more likely voters say violent crime in the United States is getting worse (61%) than getting better (13%). Eighty-one percent (81%) of likely voters say the issue of crime will be important in this November’s presidential election, and of that 48% think the violent crime issue to be Very Important.

But the well-to-do, highly educated, liberals, and Democrats are the least concerned about violent crime getting worse. For example, while 72% of those who make less than $30,000 per year, only 43% of those who make over $200,000 feel the same way. Similarly, while 68% of those with a high school degree and 69% of those with some college are concerned about rising violent crime, only 48% of those who went to graduate school felt the same way.

The piece continues:

Not too surprisingly, those who are least concerned about violent crime are the most likely to think that the Democrats are more trusted to handle crime and law enforcement issues. 

So, what does all this mean? To summarize: Those who are least in touch with the reality of living in places where crime is more likely to happen (working class areas and, to a lesser extent, middle class areas) are most likely to push to defund the police, for gun control, and for policies that make the world more dangerous for people who can’t afford to hire armed security guards to protect them.

And, yet, those are the people who very often work to buy off politicians to push those exact policies which only affect other people (and in terrible ways).

It’s a disgusting truth of the world that those who have the most degrees (supposed education) and the most money are, too often (not always, though), the people who are least in touch with reality and the long-term effects of their belief systems.

Because the people who do understand reality and long-term consequences are never the people who push for gun control and other policies that encourage criminals.



  1. Why don’t you just come out and say just who they are. Just say DEMOCRATS and Rinos period.

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